Local services directory

Animal Welfare
- Darling Range Wildlife Shelter - 9394 0885 | volunteers@darlingrangewildlife.com.au | www.darlingrangewildlife.com.au
- RSPCA WA - 9209 9300 | www.rspcawa.org
- Animal Protection Society - 9398 6616 | info@apswa.asn.au
Arts and Culture
- Byford Book Club - 9525 4059
- Heritage Country Choir - 9526 2159
- Hugh Manning Tractor and Machinery Museum - 9390 5129 | secretary@serpentinetractors.asn.au
- Jarrahdale Heritage Society - 0488555538 | admin@jarrahdale.com
- Mosaic Matters - Art and Social Group - 0448 520 315
- Mundijong Junction Book Club - 9525 5742
- Serpentine Historical Society - 9525 3635
- Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Resource Centre - 9503 2967 | hello@sjcommunityresourcecentre.org.au
- Serpentine Jarrahdale Library Services - 9526 1133 | library@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Serpentine Yarn Spinners and Craft Group - 9525 2212
Children and Youth Services
- Byford Baptist Playgroup - Pre Kindy Tuesdays - 9525 1406
- Byford Child Care Centre - 6115 6312 | contact@byfordchildcare.com.au
- Byford Child Health Centre - 9525 1180
- Byford Scouts - 0427 675 198 | www.facebook.com/1stbyfordscoutgroup/
- Jarrahdale Playgroup - 0403755498 | info@jarrahdaleplaygroup.com | jarrahdaleplaygroup.com
- Jarrahdale Pre-Kindy Group - 0403755498 | jarrahdaleplaygroup.com
- Jarrahdale Youth Group - 9525 9450
- Junior Youth Empowerment Program - www.bahai.org.au
- Mundijong Playgroup - mundijongplaygroup@gmail.com
- Oakford Guide Unit - 9439 2821 | www.girlguideswa.org.au
- Serpentine Camping Centre - 9525 5135 | admin@serpentinecamp.org | www.baptistcampingcentres.org/serpentine/
- Serpentine Child Care Centre - 9525 25383 | www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071396793348
- Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre - 9550 6777 | www.ymcawa.org.au/serpentine-jarrahdale
- Serpentine Jarrahdale Girl Guides - 9525 4102
- Serpentine Jarrahdale YouthCARE Council - 0403 004 766
- Serpentine Playgroup - 0428 500 846
- Toddler Jam - Serpentine Church of Christ - 9525 0697
- Vera & Friends Playgroup - 9497 4794 | enquiries@armdalecfc.com | www.facebook.com/playintheparkpg
- Y-Time - 0448 988 083
Crisis and Counselling Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous - Peel District - 9525 9347
- Grow WA (Byford Group) - 1800 558 268
- Touching Hearts Counselling - 0402916861 | 0402916861 | alisonturner888@gmail.com
Emergency Services - in an emergency situation, please call 000
- Byford Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - byfordfire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Jarrahdale Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - jarrahdalefire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Keysbrook Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - keysbrookfire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Mundijong Police Station - 9526 5111 | mundijong.police.station@police.wa.gov.au
- Mundijong Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - mundijongfire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Oakford Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - oakfordfire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Serpentine Jarrahdale State Emergency Service - sjses@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- Serpentine Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade - serpentinefire@sjshire.wa.gov.au
- St. John Ambulance WA - 9334 1222 | info@stjohnambulance.com.au
Family and Health Services
- Anglicare Financial Counselling Service - 9525 4180
- Mundijong Community Care (Seniors Program) - 9526 1900
- Grow WA (Byford Group) - 1800 558 268
Support Services
- Money Mentors, Financial Counselling - 9581 1281 | admin@moneymentors.org.au
- Southern Districts Support - 9498 4800 | 0409213046
- Starick - 9478 5300 | info@starick.org.au