Hugh's news

November has started with a sobering reminder of just how quickly the threat of bushfire can put our community at risk.
Thanks to the efforts of volunteer and career firefighters and those supporting them - on behalf of the community, my gratitude goes to the Parks and Wildlife Service Western Australia, Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA, Western Australia Police Force and the hundreds of women and men in our volunteer brigades, as well as those who provided support such as The Salvation Army WA Emergency Services.
It's important we do our part, too. On page 3 of this issue you will find Roleystone Karragullen Volunteer Bushfire Brigade's guide on doing just that. Take a moment to consider how you and your loved ones will act next time there is an emergency. It makes the work of our firefighters safer and could save your life.
In other matters, the recent Local Government election has seen the appointment of our first popularly elected President and Mayor, Cr Rob Coales and Cr Ruth Butterfield, well done to you both. Congratulations to councillors John Keogh, Jiby Joy and Sarah Stoneham in Armadale and Reece Jerrett and Nathan Bishop in SJ, I look forward to continuing my close working relationship with you all for the betterment of our shared communities.
For the vanquished, Michelle Rich and Lauren Strange, I know your passionate contributions were appreciated in the community and your legacy continues in the arguments you pursued and the decisions you made. I want to make a special mention of Melissa Northcott, although not representing a ward within Darling Range, for her advocacy in the disability space, not only in Armadale but across WA in the other work you do. Commiserations to all candidates that weren’t successful on this occasion, I encourage you to keep up the passion and advocacy for our community.
Finally, my best wishes go to our Year 12 students as they take on the final leg of their high school journey and look ahead to life after school. It is a huge milestone for these young people and their families. Congratulations on coming so far, I have no doubt you will do yourselves proud.
As always, you can visit my office at 5/837 South Western Hwy, Byford from 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can telephone us on (08)9525 4822 or email me at
Best wishes and happy reading.
Hugh Jones MLA
Member for Darling Range
Follow me on Facebookand Instagram, and check out my website for all the latest.
Brew with Hugh
Join me for a coffee and a chat at 10am on Wednesday 22 November at 701 Kitchen - the brand new restaurant located at the Jarrahdale General Store.
New owners Anita and Ram have recently opened for business where they, with the help of their son Jas and daughter Unnati are running the restaurant as a family. Ram heads up the kitchen with over 25 years of experience, having worked everywhere from five-star restaurants to hospitals and mine sites. After travelling far and wide, Ram said his family couldn’t be happier to settle in Jarrahdale.
“It is a really wonderful place with a lot of history and heritage,” he said. “I grew up close to the bush, so I relate to this place, and we are looking forward to building a relationship with the community and making a place for locals to enjoy.”
Come along for a coffee and a chat - no RSVP needed and the coffees are on me.
Did you know? Free RAT tests for Darling Range residents are now available at my office. Best to call ahead to confirm availability and arrange collection. If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive or is showing symptoms, please arrange for someone to pick them up on your behalf. If that isn't possible, we'll do our best to accommodate you. For info on when to take a test visit: