
Fabulous Australian animal paintings by the Foundation students! This painting involved experimenting with primary colours and a variety of paint tools, including stencils.
The Preps have also explored collage by creating these layered paper landscapes. These are now ready for their final layer which will use the fallen leaves from around the school to collage an animal.
The Grade 1/2 ‘s Chiaozza inspired sculptures are coming along beautifully. It’s been a messy couple of weeks in the art room paper macheing their armatures (with gloopy glue on almost every surface imaginable!) Now it’s time to paint using vibrant and bold colours!
The Grade 3/4s have created the most delightful clay doors responding to the theme ‘Portal into another world’. They Created their designs with a mixture of 3D building and etching clay techniques. These doors will need to dry before getting fired in the kiln, then it’s onto the painting stage!
Strike a pose! The Grade 5/6s have finished choosing, mixing and painting an analogous colour scheme on their reverse acetate self portraits. Now it’s time for Gel plate printing their backgrounds! (A very ‘satisfying’ monoprinting process).
Come check out our fabulous new display of the Grade 5/6s Wurundjeri Season Mosaics, near the office! :)
Art Passion Club
The first two sessions of Art Passion Club have started up this Term! Our first project has been to collect the natural clay found around our school and start processing it to turn into useable clay. Stay tuned as we make clay creations with our wild harvested clay!