What's on in 3/4

Biography Writing
Grade 3/4 students have been learning about Australia’s vast history, and have been especially enjoying exploring Aboriginal history and culture. They have chosen an influential Aboriginal Australian as the subject of a biography they have been busy researching and writing. Learning from their peers is always special, and our students were very engaged when reading the modelled examples from the Grade 5/6 students. It was so helpful to read their work, gaining an understanding of the correct structure for our biographies, from our expert 5/6 students - thank you!
Australian History - Child Convicts
Through mentor texts, ‘The First Fleet’ by Alan Boardman and Roland Harvey, and ‘Beth - The Story of a Child Convict’ by Mark Wilson, students have been learning about the lives of child convicts who were sent to Sydney Cove via the First Fleet in 1788. After reading the story of Beth, students made a Venn diagram to compare their lives to that of Beth (Elizabeth Haywood). Students quickly discovered how different their lives were from each other and how tough it would have been for Beth and other child convicts.
Djirri Djirri Dance Workshop
What a wonderful, enriching experience the Djirri Djirri Dance Workshop was. Djirri Djirri dancers Keira and Mikayla kept the students engaged in learning about Wurundjeri culture and dance. Dancing the moves to their Creation Narratives including the platypus (Dulai wurrung), eel (luk) and Willy Wagtail (Djirri Djirri), amongst other native animals, was so much fun and helped us make more connections to our learning of Wurundjeri Culture.
Thank you, kirrup (friend), for teaching some of your Creation Narratives that are connected to your Djirri Djirri dances. The 3/4 students had a great time.