Can’t believe we are nearing the end of term 2. A busy and action-packed semester done already.
Over the next two weeks we have a couple more exciting events for students. Prep students walked to Stinton Ave Grocer today to purchased yummy ingredients for their healthy lunch. What an adventure, and what engaging conversations held about the order in which we place the ingredients in our sandwiches to ensure our bread does not get soggy!!!! Serious business here…
We also saw the Grade 5 students head to Geelong High School for some great activities stepping into the ‘life of a secondary student’. I look forward to hearing about this tomorrow.
I am also looking forward to hearing about how the AFL team went in the next round of the Lightning Premiership.
Next week particular year levels will hold their Expos of Inquiry learning this term, along with Prep, 1 and 2 students heading to the theatre Thursday 27th.
We are very excited to have been invited to The Little Mermaid at the Geelong Performing Arts Centre and taking 180 little people to enjoy this experience.
Can I also remind all families please to discuss road safety with children. This includes walking, scooting and riding to school. We have been alerted multiple times over the past week of students not taking proper care when crossing roads, and in particular exiting lane-ways on scooters and bikes at a speed and not looking for oncoming traffic. Their safety is our number one priority and encourage students to be active in their approach to school, however, want them to ensure they are adhering to road rules at all times.
Over the holidays, works will continue on the toilets, and we are having all of the classrooms painted upstairs in the 3/4 area. Please be conscious of traffic around the school with trades etc.
I thank everyone for their ongoing support throughout the year. Take care over the holidays, rest up, enjoy the break and stay warm!
I very much looking forward to seeing you all refreshed in term 3.
Kind regards,