Student Wellbeing News

Rejoice, reflect, relax, rejuvenate and reboot…..the holidays have arrived and I for one am looking forward to the chance to do nothing but to sit and be; gather my thoughts and not dwell on what was not achieved, but look at what I hope to achieve in the next term and the start of a new semester.
Just like other significant dates (Jan 1 and July 1, or a birthday) the start of a term allows us to have a clean slate and work toward achieving new goals. If we did not achieve what was planned for last term, we did not achieve the grade we had hoped for, our commitment to learning was not as focused as it could be, nor did we make the best choices in regard to actions and behaviour toward others; that is now behind us and we can do nothing to change this. We can only reflect on what prevented us from achieving the goal or ask ourselves, “If given my time again would I have made the same choice”? I don’t dwell on mistakes rather see them as opportunities for growth and to learn a life lesson.
Goal setting in any aspect of our life should be simple. A great scaffold to follow giving you the best opportunity to achieve success is to adhere to a S.M.A.R.T goal acronym. Use a visual reminder such as a poster or chart to conduct periodic check ins and adjust if needed. Another great approach is to enlist the guidance of a mentor or a buddy to keep you focused and provide encouragement along the journey to success.
Goal setting has a twofold result for individuals. Obviously there is the achievement of a tangible outcome however studies have proven that setting goals in conjunction with a balanced diet are also good for your emotional wellbeing. This collaboration stimulates the natural release of much needed dopamine which is one of the major 4 brain chemicals linked to happiness. Dopamine enables
motivation, learning and the determination to continue to achieve goals. Reduced levels can lead to feelings of lack of motivation, low self esteem , low energy and general anxiety and low mood.
My primary role here at Marian is to support the wellbeing of students. If I can be of assistance to support or mentor your child to achieve their goals; regardless if they are academic, personal or future or if you have general concerns regarding their social or emotional wellbeing please do not hesitate to reach out and make contact with me directly or via your child’s pastoral leader.
Finally, congratulations must be given to the “Year 11 Wellbeing Committee” and the entire year 11 cohort along with their supportive Pastoral Leader, Mrs Centofanti and homeroom teachers for recently completing the “PUSH-UP CHALLENGE”. This challenge was to create awareness regarding mental health and push for better outcomes for those experiencing episodes of mental ill-health. The challenge was to achieve 3,249 push ups over a 24 day period. As a collective group the students “smashed” that goal and completed a phenomenal 41,918 push-ups, squats or similar. In addition the activity raised through sponsorship $290 for our local youth service headspace Griffith. Particular mention must go to Mr Marshall and his 11.4 homeroom who achieved a total of 16,406.
The activity was enjoyed by all students and demonstrated to importance of breaking goals into achievable steps and working collaboratively as a team. Thankyou to all who where involved and the genorous sponsors who supported the activity.
Whatever your plans are for the holidays, big or small, active or relaxing I hope that the time brings you happiness.
Stay warm and stay safe
Sue 😊