Student Wellbeing/Pastoral

Trish Star - Leader of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

 Trish Star - Leader of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care


The last few weeks have been a busy time for Year 11. The Wellbeing Committee have led their peers in undertaking the Push Up Challenge. The homerooms challenged each other and along the way raised valuable funds for Headspace Griffith. At the end of the challenge, representatives from the Committee spoke to the College assembly about what they had been doing and also what their initiatives are for term 3. They are very excited to be introducing some of their initiatives into homerooms next term. As a fitting end to two very busy terms Year 11 had their Community Day on Thursday July 4. They spent a few hours with Chris Doyle from Karis Ministries. Using music, conversation and reflection Chris encourages the students to look into themselves, the person they are, who they want to be, how they can be supportive friends and work together as a team. Feedback from the students is very positive and the day is always an enjoyable one. 


In week 8, students from years 8-10 participated in a presentation by Tom Reynolds from Drug Education Australia. They were provided with facts and information around vaping, drugs and alcohol and legal responsibilities - depending on their year level. The presentations were designed to give clarity between myths and fact and ensure the students had information to make sensible choices.




Thank you to those families that completed the “Live the Marian Way” survey. Next term we will have more information on our next steps with Positive Behaviour for Learning.


Term 2 is always a busy term. I hope the holiday break allows time to refresh and relax. Reports for years 7 to 10 will be available and new goals can be set for the second semester. Remember to reach out to your child’s Pastoral Leader if you have concerns. 


Thank you

Trish Star