Dates To Remember

Friday 26th July: Assembly at 3:00pm in the Multi-Purpose building (Class Captains announced)
Monday 29th July to August 2nd September: Optometrist visit for Prep-Grade 3 students (who have completed the approval)
Wednesday 31st July: 100 Days of Prep
Wednesday 31st July: School Concert tickets go on sale (4pm)
Wednesday 7th August: District Athletics (qualified students only)
Friday 9th August: Assembly at 3:00pm in the Multi-Purpose building
Monday 19th August: Parent Seminar: 2.00-3.30pm
Monday 19th August: Grade 5/6 Camp payment due
Friday 23rd August: Assembly
Friday 23rd August: Book Week Celebration/Parade
Thursday 29th August: Rollins School Concert
Friday 30th August: Father's Day Stall
Monday 2nd - 4th September: Grade 5/6 Camp (Melbourne)
Friday 6th September: Assembly
Wednesday 11th September: Prep-Grade 2 Meerkat Incursion
Friday 20th September: Last day of Term 3 (2.30pm finish)