
At Holy Rosary School all children and families are expected to be Wellbeing Warriors who look after the safety and wellbeing of themselves and others

Welcome back to another school term, hopefully everyone is feeling refreshed after a two week break. 

A new term is always a good time to start thinking about what you want to achieve in the next few weeks and months. Both in terms of specific things you would like to get done and also in terms of things you want to aspire to. 

Mindfully setting intentions makes you stop and think about what is actually and genuinely important to you. You can set intentions around your mindframe, being more mindful about being optimistic and hopeful and also around things you wish to achieve, leaving you with a sense of achievement and satisfaction once complete. 

One pillar of positive psychology is meaning. Setting intentions with kids, provides them with the ‘why’ we/they do things, adding to a sense of meaning in life. It gives them a sense of control and allows children to acknowledge and use their strengths. Having this sense of self-awareness is important and setting intentions is a good way to reflect on your strengths and how you use them. 

If you would like to try setting intentions at home with your child/children, you could start by verbalising what you would like to achieve and discussing steps involved. Drawing is always a great option for kids, visualising first what you want to achieve and then drawing a picture of what it will look like once you’re successful. The following three questions might be helpful when starting the discussion; What makes you proud? Who do you want to help? What are you grateful for?


Book of the Week

This week I want to highlight another episode from The A Kids Book About Podcast, titled ‘Meir Talks About Optimism’. This episode talks about how optimism can help us embrace hope, overcome obstacles, and have confidence in a joyful and successful future, important for intention setting. You can use the link above to access the episode or find it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.