Principal's News

Welcome back, families! We hope you all enjoyed a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday break. As we embark on a new term filled with learning and joy, we extend warmest greetings to all children and families. Together, we look forward to a journey of discovery, growth and achievements for all. Our staff are committed to providing a nurturing environment where each child can thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Here’s to a wonderful term ahead.
Term 3 Staff Changes
This week we welcome Vicky Smith back to Holy Rosary after 12 months of parental leave, spent with her beautiful son, Jack. We also welcome Ruth who is back after 12 months leave, enjoying sunny days in Brisbane. Vicky and Ruth will teach 3/4W for the remainder of the year.
Alina, our Science teacher has tendered her resignation and we have advertised for a replacement teacher. We will keep you posted when we have a replacement. We wish Alina every happiness and success in the future.
Sarah is on long service leave for three weeks and will work Tues-Friday on her return. Ant will now work Monday-Thursday.
Mercy Spirit
We have several nominations for the Mercy Spirit Award. Please remind your children to nominate a student that they believe shines with Mercy Spirit. Nomination forms are included in this newsletter. Forms are also available in the office beside the nomination box.
Leaving Holy Rosary School?
Please let the office know ASAP if your child is leaving HR and will not return in 2025. This information significantly impacts our staffing and class configurations for 2025.
Email: Phone: 03 93769455
Enrolment 2025
In the last week of term we sent offers of enrolment to 33 Prep families. We have space for further enrolments so welcome your friends and family to take a tour of our school.
It is important that children attend school each day and that they are punctual. In Term 1 our attendance sat at 92.17% but reduced to 88.4% in Term 2. Punctuality and attendance are crucial for school children for several reasons:
- Missing lessons or being late impacts full understanding of concepts.
- They promote responsibility, reliability, commitment and discipline; important life skills. A consistent routine and habit formation contributes to overall wellbeing and organisation.
- They foster social skills, teamwork, and communication skills, important for personal development.
- Punctuality shows respect for teachers, acknowledging the time and effort they put into learning and shows respect to peers and their need to learn without interruption.
- It is the law that children attend school.
School Arrivals
We need the Goldilocks approach- not too early, not too late, but just right. Arrival at school should be between 8:30am and 8:45am. This gives children time to greet friends and join the line, ready to start the school day when the bell rings at 8:50am. Arriving before 8:30am is unacceptable as there is no supervision before then. This week we will remind all students, especially Year 5 and 6 students of this expectation.
Morning Coffee
We welcome parents and carers to join the Leadership Team for coffee on Monday 22 July at 8:50am in the staffroom. This is a chance to say hello and stop for an informal chat.
Class Celebrations of Learning
Thanks to parents who visited the school for class celebrations of learning at the end of last term. It was wonderful to see so many families engaged in their children’s learning.
Here’s to a wonderful term!
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