A Message from David & Cam...

Unbelievably, we are nearly at the halfway point of the year! It has been wonderful to have a busy and exciting term filled with rich curriculum programs and a variety of events and excursions. We look forward to celebrating the end of term at next week's Crazy Hair Disco on Thursday and our final assembly before the early dismissal time of 2:30pm on Friday.
Term 2 Classroom Events
Incursion 2/3
Our 2/3 students have been learning about Australian history with a focus on Indigenous Australians through their Inquiry unit this term. To support their learning with this unit the teachers arranged for the 'Aborginal Infusion' incursion. Through the incursion, the students learnt about aboriginal culture and traditions through singing, dancing, storytelling, and artefacts.
Passion Projects
The Year 6 students have been busily working on their passion projects in class and invited Cam and myself to watch their presentations to their class. The passion project provides an opportunity for students to research, plan and prepare a project based on an area of interest for the individual students. We heard great presentations on a wide variety of topics such as the royal family, the Big Bang and the equator. It was impressive to see the work that the students had put into their projects as well as the effort they had put into presenting this to their class. They were all a little nervous, however, the encouragement and support from their classmates helped them out and we were really proud of the support shown in the room as well as the quality of the student work. Well done, Year 6s!
Olympic Torch - Fiona
6F is learning about the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Fiona brought in an Olympic torch and the uniform that her dad ran with in Terang. He was nominated and chosen for his contribution to the community.
Open Afternoon
Our Year 1s recently invited families into their classrooms to share some of what they have been learning about this term. Their Inquiry unit has been focused on learning about the past and during the open afternoon the students and their families enjoyed some 'old-fashioned' games and activities. It was great to see such a great turnout for the open afternoon and to see the students proudly sharing their work.
Working Bee
We had a great turnout of people (both young and old) join us last Saturday for our working bee. The team worked tirelessly for the whole morning and completed a number of garden and general maintenance tasks in our expansive school grounds. We are so appreciative of all the people who gave up their precious time to make our school a nicer environment for our kids. A special mention to the kids who helped out throughout - you were all amazing!
Health and Safety Reminder - Student Illness
It is well and truly the cold and flu season and we are experiencing a number of colds and viruses that are impacting many members of our school community. To help protect our school and the wider community, we ask that unwell students stay home, given the impacts of flu and colds on our school community.
To help reduce the spread of flu, colds and viruses, we encourage students to:
- wash and sanitise their hands regularly
- avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze
- if unwell, stay at home until their symptoms pass.
Face masks are available in all schools and can be worn by any staff or students who wish to do so.
We thank you for your support with this.
Interschool Sports
Recently our senior students have represented the school by competing against local schools in the Interschool Sport competition. Students competed in soccer, netball, & softball & AFL. All of our teachers commented on the positive and respectful manner in which our students supported each other and represented our school. Our AFL and netball teams won their competitions and will be joining the successful hockey team in progressing to the next stage and will be competing in early Term 3. We wish them the best of luck and know that they will represent our school wonderfully well!
Cross Country
Our super running team attended the Western Metro Cross Country Championships on Thursday and competed against the best runners from all schools across western Melbourne. To reach this stage is an amazing achievement and we are very proud of all the students that competed. A special mention to Jensen who came 1st in his age category and will continue to the next stage. Well done everyone!
JSC - Hero for HeartKids
On Friday the 14th of June we had a fundraiser for the HeartKids Foundation. This event was organised by the junior school council and the HeartKids ambassador Logan. The special day consisted of children being able to dress up as their favourite superhero along with a gold coin donation. The money went towards the HeartKids Foundation to help families that have kids with heart conditions just like Logan. Logan has had two open heart surgeries before he was 1 and is having his third later this year. Thank you to all that helped support this day.
Drama Club
This term a few of our 4/5s and 6s had been attending drama club. Drama club is run by Michelle (1M's teacher ), Georgia A (from 6E) and Harriet C (also from 6E) and is held on a Thursday lunchtime. Together we have been working on a play of Alice In Wonderland and wish to show it to the AGPS community, hopefully a bit into Term 3.
In drama club, students are able to express their love for acting and gain a lot of confidence being in front of an audience. To give you an insight the play will be featuring 4 narrators, Alice and the White Rabbit but they are only just a few.
We hope you will support our actors and backstage crew when we present this play.
Thanks for reading -Georgia and Eve (6E)
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences are now available to be booked via Compass (top of your news feed). The conferences will be held on Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th July and provide an opportunity to discuss your child's progress over the first semester. We encourage all parents and carers to book a time to meet with your child's teacher as having a strong home/school partnership is vital in giving the students the best opportunities.
Holidays are only 1 week away! We wish you all a very happy, safe, relaxing and warm holiday period.
Take care,
David & Cam