Year 5 Specialist News - Term 2

Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
Street Art is a form of visual expression with unique styles influenced by diverse cultures around the world.
Lines of Inquiry:
- What street art is and how it differs from other forms of visual art
- Famous street art from different parts of the world
- How artists use street art to express their thoughts, feelings, and social commentary
Key Concepts:
perspective and form
Learner Profile Attributes:
risk-taker and open-minded
Students Will Create:
- Detailed sketch book illustrations, which show exploration and development of their street character and style
- An illustrated character mounted within a cardboard box. The exterior of the box painted and decorated in the street art style
- A large scale painted mural of a street character
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Light enables us to see the world.
Lines of Inquiry
- How light travels and forms shadows
- How light can be absorbed, reflected and refracted
- How different materials (transparent, translucent or opaque) affect the transmission of light
- How water refracts light
Learner Profile Attributes:
risk taker, open minded
Key Concepts:
form, function
Students will:
- Create a peek box to illustrate how objects are seen
- Investigate the straight-line path of light
- Explore the characteristics of shadows, including their size and direction
- Use mirrors to reflect light in various directions
- Examine how different materials (transparent, translucent, or opaque) influence the transmission of light
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Group organization impacts on members and the performance.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Role and responsibilities of each performance group
- The development of skills
- The performance process
Key Concepts:
Learner Profile Attributes:
open minded, knowledgeable
Focus – Dance
- This term students will take risks, learn, create, rehearse and perform ‘Dance’
- Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively with fellow students and to rehearse effectively within set time constraints in order to-
- Learn steps
- Learn sequences
- Create short dances
- Perform to peers
- Several different styles will be covered, including Line Dance and Contemporary Free Form
- Students will continue to touch on Drama, Singing and Music
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Sport and communities bring people together.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The importance of fair play and sportsmanship and personal development in athletic type skills
- The role of the Olympic games in our community and culture and how we all come together
Key Concepts:
connection and responsibility
Learner Profile Attributes:
knowledgeable and principled
Students Will:
- Be introduced to a variety of athletic type skills – distance and sprint runs, hurdling, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put and recognise how these skills are taught worldwide to compete fairly and have the same rules
- Use the learnt skills to lead the whole school in a mini-Olympic games activity and understand the significance of leadership in sport and how people come together when playing games
- Participate in the House athletics carnival and have the potential to represent the school in District, Division and Regional events
- Develop further skills in Netball/Basketball based activities
- participate in an invasion game, progressing in skill level to competitive game level