Learning and Teaching

NAPLAN 2024 Results
Student NAPLAN Report
The student report for the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy, commonly known as NAPLAN, will be given to all Year 3 and 5 families on Friday 19th July. These Individual Student Reports (ISR) are confidential documents that have been sealed in an envelope and will be given to students before they go home at the end of the week.
The ISR includes a graph that shows how the student performed in the test(s) they participated in as well as an explanation of how to read the data.
What does this report mean for my child?
These reports are a snapshot of how your child performed in the following areas:
— Reading
— Writing
— Spelling
— Grammar and Punctuation
— Numeracy
They completed these assessments approximately four months ago between the 13 - 25th of March 2024. Therefore, this assessment is a snapshot reflection of their performance at the time.
Considerations to keep in mind
Another consideration upon receiving the IRS is that this is only one piece of assessment.
This contrasts with the work of our dedicated staff here at SMCM. Our teaching and learning experience is based on an ongoing cycle of improvement where we use a range of assessments each week for a range of reasons, including:
— to evaluate and identify strengths and areas for improvement,
— to plan and set goals for lessons
— to inform teaching practice to achieve individual student and class goals; and
— to monitor student progress over time
It is a process that ensures that our teaching practices are of high quality and to ensure we maximise learning outcomes for every individual. This is important to consider as this is a vastly different process compared to an ISR.
Another aspect to consider is how our students were feeling at the time of the NAPLAN. We do our best at SMCM to ensure our students feel as comfortable and confident as possible. However, understandably, students can still feel worried about the strict testing conditions of this nation-wide test. As a result, this additional stress may have impacted results for some of our young learners.
What happens with this data?
Over the course of the semester, we will be deeply analysing the data and using it to improve teaching practice across the school. Even though it is a single piece of assessment, it serves as a valuable set of data to help improve the school on a wider scale.
For more information, follow the link below. It includes translated versions, too.
Learning & Teaching and Digital Technologies Leader
Science of Learning and Literacy Leader
Sawako & Rachel
Mathematics Leaders