Principal's Report

This coming weekend’s Gospel is a very well known parable that is taught to our students - The Mustard Seed. The kingdom of God is like a Mustard seed and Jesus reminds us that every little act of kindness, love, compassion etc grows into a greater presence of God in our world. We all feel a sense of joy when we receive an act of kindness, but the joy we feel when we do something for others is much greater. The pay it forward notion is a great way to share this sense of joy to ensure we are all givers and receivers of the presence of God in our lives.


Winter has arrived and there have been days this week whereby we have certainly felt it. Even though our classrooms are temperate environments, the yard is not. We have many children still wearing shorts and t-shirts on a regular basis to school each day. It would be greatly appreciated if you could encourage your children to wear more appropriate clothing during the winter months. If you require additional winter items, we have many second hand uniform items available for the cost of gold coin donation and the uniform shop is also open on Friday mornings.


Further to my parking and drop off message from last week, sadly, we continue to witness people doing the wrong thing. If you require any clarification please approach myself or the office staff, who can assist you. I urge you to re-read the information from last week in the Wellbeing section of our newsletter. In addition, informing family members or friends that may not read our newsletter but support you with school drop off and pick up is also crucial to the safety and wellbeing of our school community.


Our Grade 1 students ventured to the Kyabram Fauna Park today. Thank you to Mrs Schmidt and Mrs Taylor who provided additional support to our grade 1 staff members to ensure the students had a very successful day. We look forward to hearing more about this excursion in Classroom News next week. 


This time of year is very busy for our teachers who are in the process of completing student assessments and preparing Semester One reports. Reports will be released to parents on Thursday 27th June. If you have any concerns you wish to address, please be sure to organise a meeting with your classroom teacher, remembering that our learning conversations also take place early Term 3.


It has been a pleasure, leading you all over the last couple of weeks, but we welcome back Paul next week, I am sure he is keen to take back the reins. 


Enjoy the weekend and don’t forget to pay it forward with a random act of kindness.

Jo Thurley

Deputy Principal


We are celebrating!

The Catholic Education Office Sandhurst is celebrating 50 years, and we are calling all who have worked in the Office to join in a celebration on Sunday 18 August 2024

Mass will be celebrated at St Kilian's Church, Bendigo at 11.30 am followed by light refreshments at 120 Hargreaves Street Bendigo (with displays and memorabilia).


If you know of anyone who has worked in the Offices of Bendigo, Wangaratta and Tatura (also Benalla and Shepparton) please let them know, or for those who have been closely associated with the CEOS, we would love to see you there.


An Eventbrite invitation has been created for those who are interested in attending and can be accessed via the link below to register.