Monday 15 July
Term 3 Starts
Friday 19 July
Year 9 Awards Assembly - Period 1
Year 10 Awards Assembly - Period 2
Year 10 Formal - Consent/Payment due $95
Thursday 15 August
LHS Athletics Carnival
Friday 16 August
Year 10 Formal
Monday 26 August
Staff Professional Development Day - Student Free Day
Friday 30 August
Yarra Division Athletics
Friday 20 September
Last Day Term 3 | 2:30 pm FINISH
Year 9 'Splash Attack'
Thursday 30 May
The Year 9 Community Time class 'Side Hustle', held a fundraiser event during lunchtime to raise money for the RSPCA.
Students a great time throwing water ballons at our amazing teachers, Mr Bourne, Ms Lee, Ms Connolly, Ms Taylor, Mr Wade and Mr Izzard.
A big THANK YOU to the teachers, they were DRENCED by the end! The total amount raised was $104.00
Yarra Ranges Tech School (YRTS)
In Term 2, Year 9s attended YRTS as part of their Humanities studies to explore 'Best Buys'.
Students have been looking at the food industry and business operations, encompassing the entire supply chain, from growing crops to achieve the most yield and income and designing restaurant meals to get the highest profit, to delivering food in the fastest manner.
Year 9 Food Studies | It's Up to You
Working in groups of four, students made a classic dessert - Apple and Raspberry Crumble and Pear and Cinnamon Crumble!
The fruity crumbles topped with oats, nutmeg and coconut were simply delicious served warm with vanilla custard.
Year 9 Ceramics Functional
Students in Ms Hovanjec's Year 9 class have started making Egg Cup pinch pots.
Students can use images as inspiration, however, their designs need to be unique, creative and original!
Year 9 Textiles
Students in Ms Hovanjec's Year 9 Textiles class recently made short pyjamas in a range of styles.
Respectful Relationships Workshop
Monday 24 and Wednesday 26 June
Facilitators from Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA) hosted an interactive workshop for Year 9 students, in collaboration with Lilydale High School Student Wellbeing.
In line with the Respectful Relationships Curriculum, this workshop explored what a healthy relationship might look like, affirmative consent, and online offences. The aim of the workshop was to give students the knowledge and empowerment to make educated decisions and provide knowledge of supports and services available.
Can you WIN a RACE against time?
Friday 31 May
Ms Warren and Mr Bleakley organised an Escape Room for Year 10 ADP students as part of their exam revision.
Students had to solve both knowledge-based and physical challenges relating to their study of the novel ‘The Berlin Boxing Club.
LHS Athletics Carnival
Thursday 15 August
This is an optional event for students in Year 9 and 10.
Sign Ups will be completed in Physical Education classes for Year 9 students where they must put their name down for an event.
Sign Ups for Year 10 students will be completed by Sport/House Captains in Home Groups. If students are not present in Home Group, and want to be added to an event, they must see Mr Hager in Staffroom 4.
Consent/Payment $15 DUE on Compass by, Sunday 11 August.
2024 Year 9 Tasmania Camp - Final Payment $850
For Year 9 students attending this year's camp to Tasmania (Monday 18 November to Friday 22 November), the Final Payment $850 is due to be paid on Compass by Friday 20 September.
Please contact the Middle School Office if you have any questions.
2024 Year 10 Central Australia Camp - Final Payment $820
For Year 10 students attending this year's camp to Central Australia (Monday 21 October to Friday 25 October), the Final Payment $820 is due to be paid on Compass by Friday 30 August.
Please contact the Middle School Office if you have any questions.
Year 10 Captains' Report
New Electives
The Year 10’s have just finished our Semester 1 Elective classes and started our new ones. We have our Core Science and Humanities classes, and even some fun classes such as; Cooking, Wood Technology, Photography, Textiles and many more amazing classes.
From Monday 3rd to Friday 7th June, the Year 10 students had their exams! Students completed exams for English, Maths, Arts, Humanities, Languages, Science, Technology and PASE.
Some of the Year 10's also completed their first VCE exams which ran from Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th June. Some of the VCE subjects included; Biology, Business Management and Health and Human Development. The exams were either held in the School Hall or the new VCE Study Room. Each exam ran for about 85 minutes, plus 5 minutes of reading time.
Year 10 Formal
Looking into the next term, the Year 10’s have their official Year 10 Formal! It will be held at Tatra Receptions in Mount Dandenong from 6:30 pm till 10:30 pm on Friday August 16.
A 3 course meal is provided on the night as well as soft drinks, DJ and prizes. A professional photographer will also be available on the night taking singular and group photos!
All the Year 10’s who are going are very excited and can’t wait to dance and have a great night with their peers!
At the end of the night students must have a designated parent/carer to pick them up. This will be addressed closer to the event.
The payment of $95 is dueby Friday 19 July on Compass, through trybooking.
World Wellbeing Week - 24 to 28 June
The SRC held a range of activities for the whole school at lunchtime each day:
Monday - Sports Games
Located in the stadium. The sports being played were Dodgeball and Mini Games.
Tuesday - Board Games
This activity was located in Rooms 10 and 11. These were board games of your choice.
Wednesday - Mindful Colouring
A fun activity located in Rooms 10 and 11.
Thursday - Mindfulness Yoga and Workout
This activity was held in Rooms P1 and P7.
Friday - Year 12 vs Teachers Basketball Match
Held in the Basketball Stadium.
Year 10 Captains
Enjoy the Term 2 Break!
We wish our Year 9 and 10 students and families a safe and restful term break. We look forward to seeing all students on Monday 15 July for a great Term 3!
Middle School Coordination Team