Celebration Afternoon

Tuesday 18 June and Wednesday 21 June 

Parents/Carers and significant people were invited to attend a celebration afternoon in the Performing Arts Centre.


The afternoon was an opportunity for the school community to celebrate the students’ achievements and allow the students to publicly acknowledge and thank their significant person.


This project spans the Arts, English and Languages faculties and is intended to allow students to identify and pay homage to a significant person in their lives.


Students chose a range of people to be their significant person, ie parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, coaches, teachers and more.


We hope everyone enjoyed the celebration afternoon and a BIG congratulations to all students on a wonderful project.


Tuesday 18 June - Home Groups 8A to 8F Celebration Afternoon

Wednesday 19 June -  Home Groups 8H to 8M Celebration Afternoon

Sara Hardy, Jessica Kilkenny and Kelly Farrell