Significant Person Day
Our Year 8 students and teachers did a wonderful job of this year’s Significant Person Project. The idea behind this project for our students is to reflect on a significant person in their lives and to create an artistic representation and written piece to acknowledge their person. There were also some excellent contributions from students in French and Indonesian.
The research is clear - one of the protective factors for young people to develop resilience and stay connected is having a significant person in their lives, whether that person is a parent, relative, sibling, grandparent, coach or teacher.
Thanks to all of the parents/carers, grandparents, siblings and significant people who joined us for the presentations and afternoon tea and to all of the teachers who assisted with this project.
Special thanks to Head of Arts, Sarah Hardy and Head of English, Jess Kilkenny, who were instrumental in driving the project.
Finally congratulations to the wonderful MCs Sigourney, Callum, Tahey and Axel our Year 8 Level Captains who spoke superbly and all those who presented their work to the audience.
Staffing Challenges
This semester, Lilydale High School and schools across the state have experienced significant staffing challenges. Teachers and Education Support Staff have worked tirelessly to cover classes and we continue to do all we can to limit the impact on students.
Thanks to everyone for your patience and to the leadership team who have been instrumental in securing staff.
Planning for 2025
Years 9 to 12
You will be aware that Course Selection for 2025 is currently underway with Online Middle and Senior School Information Evenings being held next term, Week 1.
The Year Level Handbooks 9 to 12, can all be found on the school website and below, with all subjects listed.
Further information about Course Selection will be posted on Compass Week 1, Term 3.
Marketplace and Hutchinson Street bend
There are still students who are loitering in the shopping precinct and dangerously crossing the road on the bend outside the Box Hill Institute driveway.
I would ask that students avoid the shopping precinct and for their own safety, cross at the pedestrian crossing.
It would be greatly appreciated if parents/carers can encourage their children to avoid these areas too.
Student Free PD Day
We have a change of date for the Student Free Professional Development Day in August. It was, Friday August 16 - please note it has been moved to Monday August 26.
Mid-Year Melodies
Congratulations to Jackie Goode who led the night of Mid-Year Melodies last Thursday. The end of semester concert is a great opportunity for students to showcase their talents and put in place what they have learnt throughout.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend.
Mobile Phones
A reminder that mobile phones must be secured in lockers every morning and if parents/carers need to contact their child urgently, please contact the Sub School Offices and a message will be forwarded to your child.
We cannot keep track of students if we are unaware of any issues that may have arisen.
School provides an opportunity for students to be away from the addictive nature of mobile phones, everyone’s assistance is greatly appreciated.
Wendy Powson