A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A Warm Welcome to our Weeden Heights Community

A warm welcome to our community

Happy Winter everyone!  I hope you are all staying warm especially on these very frosty mornings


What’s happening around the school!

Thanks to great accounting/saving and support we are now getting a few new items around the school.  A really big THANK-YOU to all of the amazing families who support our wonderful school. These items are not a part of the capital works at all.  They are happening because over the years families have paid their contributions to school funds and contributed to fundraising events. We can now spend some of these funds as the capital works have finished (except for the fixing of the usual defects) and all of the rooms are all in the correct place and we have a clear vision of what we need.  It is very exciting to see:

  • Brand new student desks arrive for each classroom on Wednesday.  The classrooms now has lighter and more modern coloured tables rather than some of our dishevelled looking  tabletops that we had.  We will be encouraging our students to take great care so they last for many years to come
  • New carpet to match the pieces put in during capital works.  We will have a consistent look throughout all of the hallways now rather than the patchwork we were left with after the capital works finished
  • New bookshelves to house the reading materials for the senior students
  • Library shelving – the library is now open for student borrowing (thank you to our team of amazing mums and Cindy for making this happen… you are the best!!!!!)
  • The weather station will be put up soon in Chookingham Palace. There will be a TV monitor installed in the main hallway which will screen the tracking of the weather across Vermont South and Australia.  There is a computer attached to the weather station and TV screen as well  and our handyman will be mounting the TV soon. 


We are also nearly ready to start planning out the garden beds near the staffroom and the flagpole.  So much is happening at school but it all takes time.  It has been a massive event moving into the new space this term. 


Reporting to Parents against the Victorian Curriculum

Please look out for your child’s school report in your email on the last day of school next week.  We have the new COMPASS program now so our report format has been redesigned. A huge thanks to Mrs Lee who is our Assessment and Reporting Co-ordinator and the staff for their feedback. I read every student’s report before it comes home to you so I believe you will be happy with the progress to date. 


Thanks to our families who have been involved in the Student Support Group Meetings and you will now have clear feedback about the support that your child has been receiving and progress to date.  All families will be involved in the Student Led Conferences which are being held next term.  You will have the opportunity to speak directly with the staff about the progress and refer to the pieces of work in the student’s portfolio.  


Weeden Heights PFA Disco

A huge thank you to the PFA for organising a disco for the whole school!  I hope that everyone took the opportunity to come along and have some fun with their friends.  Thank you so much for supporting your school and the PFA fundraising event.  The PFA do an incredible job hosting events for students and contributing to resources for the school. 


Enrolments for 2025  *** DEADLINE Friday 26 July

We are now accepting enrolments for Prep 2025 and with the new department and government guidelines, all schools should receive online applications from parents to enrol at Weeden Heights PS by Friday 26 July.    The school will then formally offer enrolment places in the school.


The school has completed a mailbox drop to support families and worked with kinders around the new procedure for enrolling.  However, if you have a child starting next year or know someone who is enrolling in school next year, please remind them about the closing date and online enrolment form. If you know of any friends, family or neighbours still looking for a school then please encourage them to put in an application form.  Thanks everyone!


Final Day of Term – Early Dismissal 

The final day for term 2 will be Friday 28 June at 2.30pm.    Parents are welcome to attend the short assembly at 2.10pm at the end of the day.   Staff will be presenting a few of the termly awards before wishing you all well over the term break. 


Please ensure you have made arrangements for the collection of your children at this earlier dismissal time.  If you are unable to make the 2.30pm finish time then please book your children into the OSHC program. 


Well, that’s all from me. This has been a longer term and has been a long and exhausting one for all of us.  It has been exciting, and we are still moving into the new spaces.  It has been wonderful to clean out old folders and drawers.  I love having my new desk and an office again! 


I hope that you all have a restful term 2 break.  Please stay healthy and safe with all of the illnesses out and about in the community. 


Until next time……

Kylie Campbell
