Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

With a short week behind us, the Year 3/4s packed in as much learning as possible!


We kicked things off with House Sports and, despite a few weather threats, we were able to enjoy all the activities without interruption. Congratulations to Cook House for finishing first, Chisholm for coming in second, Macarthur in third, and Flinders in fourth. A huge thank you to all the parents who came to support and cheer on the students - it made the day even more special!


A big shout-out also to the students in our cohort who did an outstanding job representing Scoresby Primary School in the choir at the Remembrance Day Service on Sunday.


On Monday, we had another exciting day of learning, beginning with a Remembrance Day assembly. Students were thrilled to receive and read letters from their penpals at a school in Queensland, sparking a lot of excitement throughout the year level. They also listened to a special letter from author R.A. Stephens, who expressed interest in becoming a penpal with them as well. Later, the Year 3/4 students participated in Clubs, where they split into two groups: one group made chocolate balls, while the other enjoyed coding on Chromebooks.  Both groups had a fantastic time.  Then, to wrap up the day, the Year 3/4 students in Scoresby Superstars, explored traditional playground games from the past like Cat’s Cradle and hand-clapping games, which they can now enjoy during recess.


Students have also begun working on building their rubber band toys and they may come home with a list of items needed to complete the project. As part of the assignment, they are encouraged to be sustainable by reusing and recycling materials they can find around the home.


Also, just a couple of reminders as we head into the warmer months. Could all students please rermember to bring a hat in to school to protect them from the sun, a water bottle to keep hydrated, and a fruit or vegetable snack for brain food.


Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another fortnight of fun and learning!


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley



What We Are Learning



  • A wide-brimmed hat for sun protection
  • A water bottle to stay hydrated and to keep in the classroom
  • Fruit or vegetable snack to have as brain food
  • From now until the end of the year, Wednesday lunch boxes will have a focus on being  "wrapper-free".


Try This...

Mandeep's watch loses two minutes every hour. Adam's watch gains one minute every hour.


They both set their watches from the radio at 6.00am then start their journeys to the airport. When they arrive (at the same time) their watches are 10 minutes apart.


At what time (the real time) did they arrive at the airport?


Shrinky Dinks In Clubs


Reading Letters From Our Queensland School Penpals


Starting To Build Our Rubber Band Toys


House Sports