1/2AS - Learning

This term has gotten off to a busy start with students being encouraged to combine their creative and practical thinking across subjects! In numeracy, students have begun working with fractions. To explore one of the many facets of fractions, students created collections of items around the classroom and halved and quartered them. Through sharing their findings, students began to articulate how the same fraction can represent different quantities.
In literacy, students have been working on their fluency. Students have participated in discussions and exercises examining the purpose of different types of punctuation. When reading students have applied this knowledge to enhance their storytelling, identifying specific punctation and changing their expressiveness in response.
In inquiry, students have put more thought and work into their robot buddy concepts. They have sketched out a preliminary idea and made connections between the robot’s personality and purpose and how this can be exhibited through their design.
We’re looking forward to seeing what the learners in 1/2AS will come up with next!
Ms Stanton and Ms Annie 😊