Principal's News

Prayer for Our Teachers
God of Love, Thank you for every teacher who notices a child’s special gift.
Thank you for teachers who are listeners and gentle guides.
Thank you for teachers who expect much and love enough to demand more.
Thank you for the special teacher each one of us remembers.
Dear Families,
We have had a wonderful week so far with a highlight being the celebration of Confirmation for a number of our Year 6 students on Tuesday night. Whilst it was a truly special celebration for the children involved and their families, it was equally special for all those present. Many thanks to the teachers involved in preparing our children and the mass itself as this is an enormous job and responsibility. A very special thanks also to Bernadette who again led our choir and also shared her amazing voice with us. Thank you to all those parents who enabled their children to be part of the choir and were able to bring them on the night to help make it an even more special evening. Thank you Mary (Ilai's mum) who accompanied the choir on the African Drum. Speaking with the Vicar General Fr Anthony Kerin after the mass he shared with me how much he could feel the warmth of our parents and families.
The coming weeks will be a challenge for us all as we keep one foot in 2024 and one foot preparing for the year ahead in 2025. It is really important that we continue to give ourselves time to enjoy each day in the lead to our Christmas season. Our teachers will soon begin work on student reports so please remind your child that there is still much learning to be done at school and each day requires their best efforts.
Last week for Ms Maddie
On Friday next week we will say goodbye (for now) to Ms Maddie as she goes on her maternity leave. Ms Maddie, we wish you much joy and love as you embark on this beautiful new chapter of motherhood. Your warmth, dedication, and care will be deeply missed by all of us. May this time be filled with precious moments, love and happiness. We eagerly await your return with open arms!
We warmly welcome back Ms Rebecca for the remainder of the Term 4 in 1/2MB.
Prep 2025 Transition Day 1
Yesterday was the first of our four Transition Days for next year's preps. There is so much work that goes into preparing for these sessions so many thanks to our teachers and staff who work so hard together to ensure these mornings really do set our new students up for success next year. Whilst there were some traditional early tears, all in all each child and their parents had a great morning getting to know others and making friends. Special thanks to our prep teachers who set up some great activities to engage and excite these children. No doubt they are all keen to do it again next Wednesday.
SAC - School Advisory Council
Thank you again to the members of our School Advisory Council for their continuing support of the school leaders and their valuable input in sharing the thoughts and ideas of the wider school community. We will definatley be on the look out for new members next year so please let me know if this is siomething you would like to hear more about.
At our last meeting, as I shared last week, the team looked at our fee structure for next year which I will share in the coming weeks. Whilst there wil be some increase we still maintain extremely affordable school fees and will always endeavour to support any family experiencing financial difficulty.
From Bernadette
Bernadette, our Trinity Voices Leader has asked me to share the folowing flyer. It's a flyer for an online Christian Meditation session and on Nov 10, the focus is Ignatius of Loyola.
Parents & Friends BOP TILL YOU DROP - P&F Disco Price is $5 including pizza.
A big thankyou to our Parents & Friends who have organized the Bop Till Yopu Drop Disco for next Thursday 7th November. I have included again the flyer for the evening and hope that all our children are able to attend.
Fete 2025
Talks have already begun in preparation for another Fete to be held in 2025. Following the great success of our Fete last year we are really hoping that this will be another great occassion for our school community and further spread the word about our wonderful community in the Richmond area. I have met with many families this year who have enrolled their child at Trinity who first became aware of our school because they had a attended the Fete. We will of course be on the look out for enthusiastic parents ready to join the comittee to be part of the planning that will need to be done.
AUSKICK - Opportunity for Term 4
On Thursday we had a visit from several AFLW Players promoting the AFL Auskick after school program we are hoping to run this term. (See photos below)
There are still lots of places available so the more the merrier.
To ensure everyone has a great experience, we divide the kids by age and offer optional all-girls groups. Sessions are just one hour per week, and kids can wear whatever they’re comfortable in - no need for expensive gear. It’s all about helping kids get comfortable on the footy field while having fun and learning! For more information, see flyer below or registration page via this link:
For any queries, please reach out to Jamie from AFL Victoria:
Click on the QR Code to register or contact the office for more information
Brazilian Jiu Jistu Classes
Aly, one of our parents has opened a new Brazilian Jiu Jistu Academy and would love to welcome new families to check it out.
Classroom Cuisine - Online Lunch Orders
Classroom Cuisine LOGIN HERE. Register to begin ordering.
Download Menu and Pricing
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Secondary Schools - St Mary's College- BOOK A TOUR HERE
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Last chance to buy 2024 Concert videos!
Nigel Rodrigues