Discovery Centre
Hello Foundation Families,
While we were busy preparing for our big move to the new Garden Wing Building, we also made many new discoveries in our learning. A highlight in Writing was presenting our Oral Presentations on the topic 'The best thing about me is...'. It was wonderful to see students using bravery and perseverance to present their speech in front of their classmates and these will be avaliable for you to view on Seesaw soon.
In Mathematics, we practised our subtraction strategies including counting back, finger tracking, pairs to ten and number lines. We used these strategies to solve problems such as 'Pevan had 20 cupcakes and Sarah ate 7. How many cupcakes were left?'. I wonder what subtraction problems you could create and solve at home?
We look forward to seeing you in our new rooms,
Tegan, Emma and Ashley
- Hats are back, please make sure your child has a labelled hat.
- Please visit lost property for any missing jackets, vests or other items.
- 15/11 - Responsible Pet Ownership Program
- 29/11 - Pevan and Sarah Excursion
Pupil of the Week
FT - Yueya Y
For demonstrating bravery when presenting your speech this week. You did a fantastic job reading with fluency and expression.
FE - Alessia D
For demonstrating bravery and perseverance when presenting your speech 'The best thing about me is...'. It was great to see you try your best to remember your speech and speak in a loud, clear voice.
FC - William N
For being self motivated to work towards his individual writing goals independently and striving for excellence in the classroom!