Leadership Centre
Selamat Siang,
Do you know what to do in a First Aid emergency? Fortunately, our ⅚ students do thanks to our incursion from St John Ambulance. The session, which is an important part of the health curriculum, was highly informative and helpful.
With the end of primary school on the horizon for our Year 6s, we have enjoyed opportunities this week to reflect on both the past and future in our Writing lessons. Continuing on with our work planning a persuasive speech, students in the Leadership Centre have been focused on the Public Speaking Competition with the topic of ‘How I See My Future’. It has been impressive to see their thoughtful perspectives and ambitious ideas on what this could look like - the teachers feel very optimistic that the future is in good hands! We also spent time writing a recount of our primary school lives or childhoods so far as a way of showcasing our skills as authors.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of the Order of Operations through playing variations on the game Countdown - you might like to play a round at home using this link! Students experimented with brackets, indices, fractions and more.
Our Economics & Business focused Guided Inquiry unit continued with a set of rotations where students explored concepts of accessibility and universal design. This is in preparation of our larger project later in the term. So much to look forward to in Term 4 for the Leadership Centre!
Have a great week,
The 5/6 Leadership Team
Attention Year 6 Families - Baby Photos for Graduation
We are looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year, with preparations already underway!
One of our beloved traditions is sharing three baby photos from between the ages of 0-5 as part of the presentation. We are asking if you could please email gradesixgraduation@gmail.com with these three photos by November 29th. We usually recommend one baby photo, one as a toddler and one around kinder age but any family favourites will be great! Also, if your child attended another school prior to MPRPS and you have their school photo, it would also be much appreciated if you could send those though.
We will send reminder emails over the coming weeks but we like to get an early start as it takes a while to collate everything! Thank you so much for your support.
- SunSmart - hats need to be worn now!
- Thank you to those who have already brought tissues for the class. It would be amazing if you could please bring more tissues!
- Hot Shots Tennis Division Tournament - 1st November
Pupil of the Week
5/6C - Christopher D
For demonstrating enthusiasm and curiosity when investigating order of operations during maths countdown lessons.
5/6S - Evelyn E
For demonstrating perseverance and bravery, using your knowledge of order of operations, during our countdown activity in Maths.
5/6FL - Sara G
For demonstrating a love of learning while applying practiced writing techniques to create an inspired speech about ‘How I See My Future’.
5/6E - Ruby I
For demonstrating creativity and focus while planning and drafting your speech about ‘How I See My Future’.
5/6N - Monica T
For demonstrating a love of learning when challenging yourself and extending your learning during our target number.