Learning and Teaching

Learning Space 1 Juniors
Week 4 - Reason for Every Season!
This week we are exploring how God created balance through the seasons. There is a reason for every season! Change is needed eg. for the crops to grow, as the children learnt in the parable of sower during our Inquiry/ Religious Education lessons.
To further explore this concept, the preps have been planting sunflowers and explained how the sunflowers are able to grow through their life cycle. The grade one’s have explored how butterflies grow and explained this as they wrote about a butterflies life cycle.
Whilst the grade 2’s explained how frogs grow as they wrote details of a frog’s life cycle. Through research and discussions, the students were learning how being adaptable and resilient to change enables living things to survive and even thrive eg. plants receive enough water and sunlight to help them grow into tall sunflowers, caterpillars have a chrysalis to protect it from harsh weather conditions and tadpoles rely on plants to help it grow.
So come rain or shine you are welcome to visit our learning space and even see the work of our prep green thumbs whose plants are starting to grow!
Have a great long weekend!!
Natasha, Melissa, Aoife, Rhonda, Sue, Kristy and Ursula 😀
On Thursday, the Girls Basketball Team participated in the Regional playoffs. They achieved the highest rank at the Divisional Level, enabling their progression to the Regional playoffs.
The day was extensive, featuring a Round Robin format in which they competed in three games. By the conclusion of the day, all participants were exhausted yet profoundly satisfied with their involvement. Congratulations to the team for attaining this level of competition.
We wish Andi the best of luck in the following events, 1500 m and 800 m at State Athletics on Wednesday, 6th November at Lakeside Stadium.
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
Grade 5 students will begin their Bike Education Program on Friday in Week 6. They will remain on school grounds completing cycling skills and simulations.
Students will need to bring their bikes and helmets to school on Friday November 15th. We remind students that if they are riding to school they will need to dismount their bikes and walk on school grounds. If parents are dropping off bicycles at school, they can remain in the Bike Shed for the duration of the program.
A reminder to parents next week there will be no swimming due to the student free day on Monday and Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday.
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sports Coordinator
SFS Family STEM night!
A huge thank you to those families that joined us on Wednesday night for our SFS Family STEM night. It was a great evening, with lots of fun had by both parents and children. We greatly appreciate your support of these events and the feedback from those that attended was very positive. A big thank you to the teachers for their participation on the night and running of activities and in particular to Christine and Angela for their encouragement and support in organising this event.
Learning & Teaching Leader
One of the highlights of the evening was the different challenges that families were able to enter for the chance to win a STEM prize. We had many entries and thank those who participated. The list of winners and answers to the challenges are listed below. One challenge still remains unsolved. You might like to have a go at solving it at home. If you do, hand in your answer on a piece of paper at the office on Wednesday and I will draw a winner if we get a correct answer.
All winners can collect their prizes from Joanna on Wednesday. Thank you 😊
How many lollies in the Jar?
The answer was 81 and the closest guess was from Claudia in RE with a guess of 78 lollies!
How many chocolates in the Jar?
Noah Sharma in LY was the lucky winner with a correct guess of 34 chocolates.
Apples, Apples and more apples: Zoe Balzamo in RE was drawn as the lucky winner from those who solved the puzzle with pieces A, D, E & F joining together to make up the apple.
Triangle Teaser: This proved to be a challenging question and despite numerous entries we only had two correct answers from Samuel Paul in RE and Yugan in RI.
Well done to those two families for finding all the triangles and we think you both deserve a prize.
Dogs and Chickens: This was a popular challenge and one of the easier ones of the night. There were so many correct answers but there could only be one winner - Phebian in AS
Ducks, Ducks and more ducks: Well this challenge proved to be a tricky one for many families, with the way the challenge was written proving to be tricky for many. In the end the lucky winner drawn with a correct answer was Lincoln Burnett in IH.
A special shout out also goes to Janice in AS who not only had a go at most of the challenges on her own but also had numerous correct answers. Well done Janice on persevering with the challenges and trying hard to work out the correct answers.
Unsolved Challenge
Some of the more popular activities on the night were some of our Science based experiments. If you didn’t get a chance to have a go on the night you might like to try them at home over the long weekend and if you did have a go you might like to do them again.
Ghost Balloon
Definitely the most popular of the evening. Rozeta and Kristy were working double time at this station. Thanks so much for making this one so much fun for everyone and getting through so many people.
- Draw a ghost face on the balloon with the permanent marker.
2. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into an empty bottle of water.
3. Fill the balloon with 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda.
4. Carefully stretch the balloon over the mouth of the water bottle. Make sure the baking
soda doesn’t spill into the bottle!
5. Showtime! Lift the balloon so that it’s completely vertical, thus dumping all the baking soda inside into the vinegar.
6.Watch the ghost balloon inflate!
MAGIC DRAWING- Refraction of Light
- Glass of water
- Sharpie
- Paper
Draw something on a piece of paper, and see how it looks when you look through a glass of water.
Be creative! You can draw anything you like and see how it looks through the glass.
Questions to ponder:
How does your picture change? What bits stay the same? Does image size matter?
What happens if you move the glass closer to the image? Or further away?
Does it change if you look at it straight on or slightly from the side?
Charge It! – Static Electricity
1. Place 2 empty soft drink cans on their sides on the starting line
2. Inflate and tie-off 2 balloons! To charge the balloons, rub them rapidly back and forth on your clothing for a minute
3. Inflate and tie-off 2 balloons! To charge the balloons, rub them rapidly back and forth on your clothing for a minute
4. When you’re ready for the race, hold the balloons near the cans, without touching them to the cans, and have someone say “go!”
5. Each person tries to move his/her can across the finish line using only the static electricity of the balloon
6. Could you identify whether the part of the can nearest the balloon had similar or opposite charges? ! How could you tell?
- Foil
- Small object – counters, lego bricks
- Bowl of Water
Step 1: Take a sheet of foil and build a boat.
Step 2: Place the boat in the water and see which team’s boat can hold the most objects.
- Foil
- Smalle object – counters, lego bricks
- Bowl of Water
Step 1:
Take a sheet of foil and build a boat.
Step 2:
Place the boat in the water and see which team’s boat can hold the most objects.