Kharisma Kids OSHC

We've had a busy and exciting few weeks at Vacation Care with our Excursion to Berwick Clip ‘n Climb booking out very quickly.
The children had a great time climbing and challenging themselves and encouraging each other on all the various climbing walls.
We were very lucky on our Zoo day that the weather held off and we didn’t get wet throughout the day.
From crafts and adventures, creative explorations, and celebrating Lucas’ Birthday there was something for everyone!
Upcoming Important Dates:
Please note that our service will be closed on Monday, 4th November for the Melbourne Cup Weekend.
Looking ahead, the end of term is fast approaching on Tuesday, 17th December, with an early finish at 1:00 PM.
Vacation Care will resume on Wednesday, 18th December through to Friday, 20th December.
After the holidays, we’ll start up again from Monday, 13th January until school returns.
We are about to start planning the Vacation Care program, so if you have any requests, suggestions or comments, please let us know. We try to plan the activities based on what feedback we get from the families and most importantly the children, after all, it is their holidays. Email or drop in and see us.
Rob, Lucas, Marlene, Sarah
The Kharisma Kids Team