Education in Faith

Jesus teaches that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all.
For this week the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B, the readings focus on themes of service, leadership, and humility, particularly highlighted in the Gospel of Mark (10:35-45) where Jesus teaches His disciples about the nature of true greatness.
First Reading (Isaiah 53:10-11): This passage speaks of the Suffering Servant, emphasising the redemptive suffering and how it leads to justification for many. It invites us to consider the purpose of suffering and how it can serve a greater good.
Second Reading (Hebrews 4:14-16): This reading reminds us of Jesus as our high priest who empathises with our weaknesses. It encourages us to approach God with confidence, knowing that He understands our struggles.
Gospel (Mark 10:35-45): In this passage, James and John ask for positions of honour, prompting Jesus to redefine greatness. He teaches that true leadership is rooted in service, not in authority or status. This challenge and invites us to reflect on our own desires for recognition and power.
Discussion Starters
Understanding Service:
How do you define "greatness" in today's world?
In what ways can we embody the call to serve others, as Jesus described?
Suffering and Purpose:
Reflect on a time when you or someone you know experienced suffering.
How did that experience lead to personal growth or greater understanding of others?
Empathy in Leadership:
In what ways can leaders in our communities emulate the servant leadership that Jesus modelled?
Can you think of any examples from contemporary leaders who exemplify this?
Personal Reflections:
What personal ambitions do you have, and how might they conflict with the call to serve?
How can you align your goals with the teachings of Jesus?
Community Action:
What are some practical ways our community can demonstrate servant leadership?
Are there local organisations or causes that you feel passionate about supporting?
This week’s reflection and discussion question facilitates a deeper understanding of the readings and encourage a meaningful discussion within your family about faith in action.
Sacramental Events and Dates
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place throughout the school year. Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Event | Date/Time/Venue | Participant Group
Term 4
| ||
Reconciliation Commitment and Enrolment Mass | Tuesday 15th October 6.30pm - Registration 7.00pm - Mass St. Kevin’s Church
| St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | Tuesday 19th November 7pm St. Kevin’s Church
| St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Sacramental Program, celebrations or preparation process, please feel free to contact the School's Religious Education leader.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the spiritual formation of our students. We look forward to celebrating these sacred moments with you and your families as a parish community.
May God's blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Sacrament Levy
Grade 2 Families: There is a $30 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost of stoles and Certificates for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- This levy needs to be paid in full on the Parent Information night.
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
Children's Catechism
The Missionaries of the Holy Family International will be starting Children's Catechism classes from 6th October 2024. The classes will be held over five weeks - 6th October, 13th October, 20th October, 27th October and 3rd November from 12-1pm in the School Hall.
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
Our 2nd Chance Appeal ended today! A big thank you to the SFS Community! We filled my car 3 times to deliver all the goods to the Vinnies Op Shop in Dandenong and Cranbourne. A huge thanks to the Mini Vinnies for always being willing to give up their time to assist!!
213 | 94 | 365 | 69 |
Congratulations to Teresa for winning the 2nd Chance Appeal.
Points this week include points given to students by staff and donations to the 2nd Chance Appeal.
The results so far are:
1st | Terersa | 6 476 |
2nd | Patrick | 6 331 |
3rd | Bosco | 5 722 |
4th | MacKillop | 5 688 |
Well done to Teresa who have just taken the lead but the other Houses are close! Remember we still have all of this term, including our Christmas Appeal, so one of the other houses may take the lead.
Our next big event is that Vinnies will have a market stall at our Twilight Market. They will be doing nail polish, hair colour and temporary tattoos. And yes students will be able to wear them to school the next day!!
Mini Vinnies have decided the money raised will be donated to the Vinnies Youth Program who take out children from families who are struggling. Please come and support our stall.
A notification has been placed on Operoo for Min Vinnies’ parents to nominate the time slot their child can assist at the market stall on Thursday November 7th. Please complete the form giving permission for your child to attend and nominating the time they are able to attend.
We will be practising applying nail polish next week.
Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies