Year 6 Students Head to Canberra Camp While Year 5 Steps Up as Leaders
Very early on Monday morning, the year 6 students set off from school on buses to Canberra. The students were so excited to head off on their last primary school camp and the Canberra camp is the highlight of the school year.
The Canberra camp is a significant one for Year 6 students. It's not only the culumation of seven years of primary schooling but also represents their personal growth and maturity. It's an opportunity to consoldate their learning about Australian history and government with a visit to Parliament, The Royal Mint and the Thai Embassy, as well as opportunities to celebrate being an Australian, with visits to CSIRO where they learn about Australian science, technology and inventions and the National Institute of Sport. They also get the chance to take in the beauty of their country as they pass through the country on the buses and at places such as Mount Ainslie Lookout.
Mount Ainslie Lookout
Mount Ainslie Lookout
Not to mention the fun aspects of this camp, like bonding with classmates and experiencing new adventures as they transition to year 7!
Browse the photos below to see what an amazing time they are having.
We look forward to the return of the campers this Friday and hearing all about their week in Canberra!
Leadership Opportunity for Year 5
Year 5 students have been stepping up while their peers have been away. It has given them opportunites to demonstrate our school values and show leadership qualities. We've watched our Year 5 students stepping up and demonstrating maturity by acting as role models during this time.
Our older students (including year 4 students too) have been role modelling through actions such as:
These actions , along with consistently demonstrating our school values can profoundly influence peers.
One of the important characteristics of a great leader is to be a role model. That means setting the example and inspiring others to do great things.
This emphasises the fact that you don’t need a formal leadership position to be a great leader. However, these are the qualities that we will be looking out for when interviewing for next year's student leadership positions.
Trivia Night is Saturday 26th October
The annual PFA run Trivia Night is always a fantastically fun community night!
Spaces arerunning out fast! Get your booking in soon and don't forget to choose a theme for your table - prizes awarded for best theme!
Not many spaces left! If you're coming solo, or in a small group this is a great way to make new friends.
Talking the Talk
Parents needing help or support with speaking to your children about topics such as; where babies come from, puberty preparation, protective and online safety and much more? IPS have engaged Vanessa Hamilton who will be presenting 'Talking the Talk' to interested families. Use the QR to sign up for the free ONLINE event
Don't forget the School Saving Bonus
Important information about the school saving bonus
In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.
The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.
The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.
Actions for parents and carers
Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:
Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.
Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. : A letter came home on the last Friday of Term 3 with your youngest child – Please send back the attached sheet if your contact information need updating.
You need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:
in October, to verify your email address
in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.
Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus visit Translated information will also be available on the School Saving Bonus website in the next few weeks.
Please reach out to our Business Manager, Lisa Cascun should you have any questions.
Many of our students are anaphylactic and food allergens pose a very real threat to life and safety!
Families are respectfully requested that under NO circumstances are you to send your child to SCHOOL, to CAMP, on EXCURSIONS, to OHSC with ANY foods containing NUTS.
Nor are you to supply birthday cakes, cupcakes, sweets, gifts of toys etc. on school grounds (including at the OSHC program). I apologise in advance if this seems harsh, but the wellbeing of every student must be our primary concern. Consider celebrating birthdays and other events at a local park, or in your own home. Be mindful that many of our students are anaphylactic and food allergens pose a very real threat to life and safety.
School Uniform
Our school has a dress code that we believe provides a range of choices for students and is cost effective for families. This is clearly set out in the School Uniform Policy available on the IPS website.
The Student Dress Code aims to:
foster a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance.
support the school’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities.
reduce student competition on the basis of clothing
enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.
Students are expected to comply with this Student Dress Code while traveling to and from school, during school hours and when attending school activities.
Uniform and appearance
Uniform items and appearance requirements meet human rights and anti-discrimination requirements as well as health and safety considerations.
Jewellery and cosmetics
Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches, are acceptable .
Cosmetics may not be worn at school. Only clear nail polish is permitted.
All the ICAS certificates have finally arrived at IPS, and thus we’re ready to celebrate student achievements by presenting them at assembly next Monday, October 21st. All students who participated in any of the assessments will be asked to stand up and be recognised.
Students who received distinctions, high distinctions, and principal’s awards will be read out by name and presented their certificates by a member of school leadership.
All other certificates will be presented via classroom presentations from students’ teachers.
Well done to all those who took part and we look forward to joining you in celebrating our students' incredible achievements.
A huge thank you to all our students, families and the wider community for supporting our walk-a-thon. We managed to hit $30,000! What an incredible achievement. Students are benefitting from enhanced play spaces and additional technology. Here are some photos of students who raised the most receiving their prizes at Monday's assembly...