Learning & Teaching News

Term Overviews

Click the links below to read the Term 4 Overviews for each year level.

ICAS Awards

At Monday's Assembly we presented the ICAS Awards to the students who sat the Science or Spelling Bee - congratulations to all these students. At next Monday's Assembly (28 October) we will be presenting certificates to students who sat either the Maths or Writing ICAS Assessments.



Nick Byrne

Learning & Teaching Leader


Learning in 3/4


At the end of Term 2 , Cr Jane Addis came to speak to the Grade 3/4 students about the Local Government.  The students participated in a mock council meeting where they had to vote on some specific issues. It was a great opportunity for our students to get a feel for how the Local Government works.



The students also had an opportunity to present Cr Addis with the persuasive letters they had written about issues important to them in their local area. Each student worked hard to include lots of strong, persuasive arguments in their writing. It was a fabulous opportunity for the 3/4's to feel like their voice was being heard by their government. 



After listening to a small collection of the letters, Cr Addis took another 50 or so home to have a proper read through. This week we were lucky to get a written response from Cr Addis, where she addressed each of the points made by the children. You can read her response below:


Thank you Cr Addis for taking the time to read and respond to each of our letters. It is very much appreciated.


The 3/4 Team