Connections Centre
Specialist Feature News:
Selamat Siang,
Indonesian Day is quickly approaching! Next week on the 15th August, the school will be bedecked in merah dan putih. Students will be participating in a variety of activities and games to celebrate Indonesian culture. We are also excited to welcome back Sanggar Lestari, who will be providing dance workshops for F-2 and Angklung workshops for the 5/6 students. So remember to wear your red and white or Indonesian clothes Thursday next week!
Indonesian Day last year:
Photos from the last few weeks of Indonesian - 1/2s learning about classroom objects and 5/6s learning how to give directions around town.
Parents and carers are welcomed to join us for an extra special Indonesian Day Recess Radio Cultural Performance at 2:10 in the courtyard. Entry & sign in via the front office. Sampai Jumpa! If you would like to volunteer for Indonesian Day Activities and have a valid WWCC, could you please contact Bu Marissa Mundy or Yana Gill via Sentral! Terima Kasih
National Science Week is running from the 10th - 18th of August Australia Wide (Week 5). To celebrate, there will be a range of experiments and STEM activities running in the classrooms throughout the week. Additionally, we will be making pancakes with each class in our science sessions, and we will also be running Kinder Science Afternoon on Friday the 16th of August from 2:40pm to 3:30pm. We look forward to seeing our staff, students and families getting involved!
Terima Kasih,
The Specialist Team
Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic, Beth Cardy and Natalie Palmer.
Pupil of the Week
Physical Education
Junior - Oscar R (FC)
For demonstarting a love of learning and skill when practising his catching with a European Handball.
Senior - Pil R (3/4K)
For using perseverance and love of learning when competing in the Olympics partner challenge.
Visual Arts
Junior - Oscar V (1/2S) For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance when creating your Indonesian Day Artwork.
Senior - Jude P (5/6C) For demonstrating creativity and a love of learning when starting your Tie-Dye Bear!
Junior - Yueya (FT)
For demonstrating your knowledge of push and pull forces to create a detailed play-doh masterpiece. Excellent effort!
Senior - Mia B (3/4W)
For creating detailed notes and diagrams in your lab book that describe the physical and chemical process of heat shrinkage.
Performing Arts
Junior - Yijian FC
For enthusiastic participation in Performing Arts, dedication and integrity in his interactions with his class mates and teacher.
Senior - Tom McKinnon 5/6N
For demonstrating curiosity when contributing ideas in Performing Arts discussions.