Inquiry Centre
Selamat Siang
Groups of, arrays, times, multiplication, skip counting. These are just some of the key words we have been exploring in Mathematics sessions this week in the Inquiry Centre. The students have been using concrete materials such as counters, hundreds charts and number lines to help them solve different multiplication problems. It is important to build our understanding of how multiplication works by seeing its visual representation with these materials. The students have been rolling dice to create different problems, and choosing the strategies that they prefer to help them solve them and build their fluency. How many ways can you show how to solve the problem 4 x 3 ?
Student Voice
‘My favourite thing this week has been reading because I liked practising adverbs.’ ~ Kaia 1/2M
‘I am enjoying watching the Olympics.’ ~ Henry 1/2M
‘I enjoy watching the Olympics and describing how the athletes move. When I grow up I want to be a swimmer too! “I will swim as fast as a shark”.’ ~Emma 1/2M
- If you could please send in a box of tissues with your child, these get used throughout the year by their class.
- Your child should be bringing home levelled reading texts each night. If this is not happening, please contact your classroom teacher.
- We have our Great Book Swap on Wednesday 4th of September (Week 8). If you have any pre-loved books in excellent condition that you would be happy to donate, please bring them up to the tubs placed at the office by Friday 23rd August.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Hailey K
For demonstrating perseverance when researching a country of your choice. You used the iPad to research information and facts about your country and presented it beautifully.
1/2M - Aaron W
For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning when making your multiplication questions this week.
1/2S - Gabriel L
For showing a love of learning when researching a country of your choice. You used your prior knowledge to help guide your research and ended up with some really great facts.
1/2KS - Aarya P
For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning when reading with a teacher. You are making so much progress decoding new words and understanding what you have read.
1/2E - Lenny M
For his leadership and perseverance in guided inquiry, you challenged yourself and helped others!