Teaching and Learning Corner


In the last two newsletters, I have discussed the Christway Creed – Ready and Respectful. This month I examine the third principle in our creed – Responsive.


As Christian parents, we understand that our faith is rooted in a response to God's invitation to a relationship. This same principle of responsiveness is key to unlocking effective learning in our children. Just as we respond to God's call, students must choose to engage with the opportunities presented in the classroom. Learning is not a passive process; it requires an active response. If a student is apathetic, hostile, or distracted, they are not in a position to learn.


Engagement in both classwork and homework is crucial for students to consolidate their understanding, hone their skills, and demonstrate their grasp of the curriculum. When a student consistently fails to complete their assignments, it often signals underlying academic, social, emotional, or personal challenges that may be hindering their progress and overall well-being.


Both teachers and students share the responsibility of being responsive to one another. Teachers are called to provide instruction, assessment, and support tailored to the diverse needs of their students. This includes identifying those who struggle and offering the extra help they need. Additionally, teachers have the responsibility to respond to students' efforts with meaningful feedback, guiding them toward achieving their learning goals.


Likewise, students are responsible for their own learning journey. They must engage in the activities, complete their tasks, and seek assistance when necessary. A responsive student is one who recognizes their inherent value and the worthiness of investing in their own learning. Their dedication to their education reflects a belief in themselves and in the future God has planned for them.


It's not uncommon to see the bright, eager faces of Prep students who are naturally responsive to learning. Their enthusiasm is a source of joy for their teachers and peers. As students progress through school, face life's challenges, and navigate the complexities of growing up - including the trials of puberty and friendships - they may begin to lose heart and disengage from their learning. At Christway College, it is our heartfelt prayer that we can inspire our students to stay engaged and responsive, accepting the invitation to become all that God has created them to be.


Quote of the month

Revelation 3:20 - “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.


Angela Landy

Head of Academic Culture