Religious Education and Social Justice

Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

All saints have dedicated feast days when they are remembered with special mention and prayers. Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day is on 8th August, which is the day she died. 


Mary’s feast day is a wonderful time to reflect on the qualities and actions that set her apart, and how her legacy continues to be relevant today.  At the age of 24, she dedicated her life to God and took on the name “Mary of the Cross”.


Along with Fr Julian Woods, Mary opened a school in a disused stable in Penola, South Australia. Her vision was to provide education for underprivileged children. Many other women came to join her there, and Mary and Julian founded Australia’s first religious order: the Sisters of St Joseph.


Mary and the Sisters were committed to serving the poor – to going to where the need was and living amongst those in need. This took Mary all over Australia to many rural areas.


Mary was remarkable as a strong female leader in 19th century Australia. Education in Australia is what it is today, thanks in large part to the dedication and determination of Mary and the Sisters of St Joseph (Josephites). Mary believed in the power of education to lift communities out of poverty, famously saying, “I’m a teacher, let’s start today!” 


As a Josephite school, Corpus Christi was led by the Sisters of St Joseph until the end of the 1999 school year. We aspire to continue to live and work by St Mary's fine example.


Families are welcome to join us in Corpus Christi Church for Mass at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday 8th August.


"Never see a need without doing something about it"
"Never see a need without doing something about it"

Mary MacKillop Prayer 

Ever generous God, 

You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop 

To live her life faithful to the Gospel of 

Jesus Christ 

and constant in bringing hope and encouragement to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy. 


With confidence in your generous providence and through the intercession of 

Saint Mary MacKillop 

We ask that you grant our request to protect us all during the coronavirus pandemic.


We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too, 

like Mary MacKillop, may live with 

courage, trust and openness. 

Ever generous God hear our prayer. 

We ask this through Jesus Christ. 


Social Justice News

As mentioned in last week's newsletter we are still collecting food donations as an ongoing support of the work of St Vincent de Paul assisting people in need in our local area.


If anyone would like to continue to donate packets or cans of food they can be dropped off at the school Library at any time and our Social Justice Leaders, George and Mila, will regularly deliver the items to the church for collection. This is a wonderful way that we can continue to follow in the footsteps of St Mary of the Cross to care for people in need.



Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader