Secondary News

Mrs Lakshmi Mohan - Deputy Principal/Head of Teaching and Learning 

Mr Justin Desmarchelier - Head of Secondary 

Year 7 True Relationships Presentation

As per the College calendar, next week True Relationships will be presenting to our Year 7 students as part of our Wellbeing program. The topics for discussion follow on from the work already covered, or to be covered, in Health and PE classes as mandated by the Australian Curriculum. Year 7s will be exploring puberty and reproduction. 


Two sessions will run at the same time with the boys and girls being presented to separately. Topics of discussion include physical, social, and emotional changes of puberty and strategies to help manage changes, puberty as part of the reproductive process and how reproduction works, peer pressure and how it might feel to be different from your peers, how students can support each other and where to go for help.  


These presentations may open up topics of discussion at home and provide you with the opportunity to discuss the issues raised. You can access additional information and resources at:!/Parents-&-carers/c/18053019

Blazers, Hats, Ties and Ribbons

The recent focus on improving the wearing of jewellery by our students has been a great success. Students were commended at Assembly this week for their improvements. We will now be focusing on blazers, hats, ties, and ribbons. Please talk with your child about the expectations below. Infringements will be given to students who are not meeting these expectations.

  • Blazers and hats must be worn when entering and exiting the College grounds. Staff and House Captains are on duty at the gates to give infringements to students who are not wearing the correct uniform.
  • Ties must be tightened, and top buttons are to be secured.
  • A bottle green ribbon or scrunchie needs to be worn in the hair for girls if tied up.

Pre-Prep to Year 12 - Genes for Jeans Day 

The Big Chop

Upcoming Events

All WeekCambridge Scholars’ Program 
2 AugustPP-12 Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser
4 AugustYear 8 Redlands Exchange Program Commences 
All Week Year 7 ICAS Digital Technologies Test 
5 - 10 AugustYear 8 Redlands Exchange Program
5 - 6 AugustCambridge Scholars’ Program 
10 AugustISCF Bush Dance 
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS English Test 
All Week National Science Week 
14 August Ekka Public Holiday  
17 August OPUS 3
18 August Year 8 Pymble Exchange Program Commences 
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS Science Test 
all Week Book Week 
19 - 24 August Year 8 Pymble Exchange Program
23 August STEM Mentorship Breakfast
All Week Years 7-10 ICAS Maths Test 
All WeekYear 12 Mock Examination Block
28 AugustPP-12 Fathers’ Day Breakfast
29 - 30 August Duke of Edinburgh Bronze 
29 AugustOPUS 4 Concert
30 August Years 7-12 Student Free Day (QCAA Confirmation Meetings)
All WeekYear 11 Examination Block
2 - 3 SeptemberYear 12 Mock Examination Block
3 - 6 September Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp 
9 - 11 SeptemberYears 11 Examination Block
9 September Year 10 Vaccinations 
11 SeptemberR U OK? Day 
12 SeptemberQGSSSA Track and Field Championships 
End of Term 3 
13 SeptemberStaff Day/Student Free Day