Primary News

Mrs Audrey Fellowes - Deputy Principal/Head of Primary

Circular Drive Pick-Up Process

During the Circular Drive pick-up process, the safety of our students and staff is critical and therefore we kindly ask you to review the following.


At the conclusion of the day, staff will bring students down to Circular Drive from 3:05pm (Prep - Year 2) and 3:15pm (Years 3 - 6). Pre-Prep students can be collected from their classroom between 2:30pm and 3:00pm. Students in Years 5 - 6 may be collected at Circular Drive if they have younger siblings. Otherwise, they may be collected from Bayview Terrace. Students in Year 4 may be collected from Bayview Terrace if they have an older sibling. If you are collecting your child in Years 3 - 6, please do not come to Circular Drive before 3:15pm as they will not be there, and you will be asked to circle the block to keep the line moving.


To assist us with the efficiency of Circular Drive pickup in the afternoon, we respectfully request the following:

  • Follow the direction of staff.
  • Continue to drive forward to the furthest available park.
  • Remain in your car until your child has been sent to you.  Do not leave your car at any time whilst you are in the Circular Car line. There have been instances where cars have rolled whilst children are walking to their cars.
  • If you are using this service, students must be independent in buckling their seat belts, without your assistance. The staff on duty will help any child into the car if needed. If you are eager for your child to use this facility, the buckling of the seat belt is a wonderful teaching moment.
  • If your child has not yet arrived for collection, you must turn left out of Circular Drive and drive around the block to re-enter the Circular Drive queue.

Prep and Year 12 100 Days' Celebration

Today, our Preps and Year 12s celebrated a momentous time in their school life. For Preps it is the first 100 days of school; for Year 12, their last 100 days. This is such a memorable moment for our students; those who are at the start and those who are at end the of their school journey.

Staffing Notice

Mrs Robynne Bailey, Pre-Prep to Year 2 Coordinator/Teacher, will be taking four weeks leave commencing Monday 29 July to Friday 23 August, to travel with her son who is representing his school internationally. We wish her well and hope she enjoys her well-deserved break. 

Years 1 to 5 Device Overnight Waiver

As per information previously communicated (see attached), a reminder to parents of the opportunity for devices to be left at the College in lockable trolleys and the required Device Overnight Waiver which must be acknowledged in Parent Lounge prior to commencement of this arrangement.


Homework Club/ Children's First Clayfield - Outside Hours Care

If you would like your child to attend OSHC after Homework Club, please ensure you book them in to Children’s First OSHC. If you are running late for pick up, we are unable to take students to OSHC without a booking. We therefore appreciate if you could collect your son/daughter by 5:00pm to allow our staff to leave promptly. 


Thank you for your understanding and working in partnership with the College. 

Pre-Prep to Year 12 - Genes for Jeans Day 

2024 Grandparents' Day

We look forward to hosting Grandparents' Day, which will be held in Week 5, Friday 9 August. Our grandparents will enjoy morning tea, classroom visits and a special musical performance. Due to numbers, this event is specifically for our wonderful grandparents; however, if a grandparent is unable to attend, a special friend is more than welcome.


Please see the invitation below with the link to book (for catering purposes, please make sure you tick the box for Pre-Prep or Prep to Year 6). We look forward to seeing you there!

Andrews Cup/Britton Shield

Congratulations to both the boys and girls who represented Clayfield College in the recent Britton Shield and Andrews Cup Football competitions. All the staff are very proud of your efforts. 


Please refer to the Sports News Section. 

The Big Chop

On Friday 4 October, Meghan Guthrie-Quinn and Tia Tyler (Year 11 students) will be running the Clayfield Big Chop! The Kids Cancer Project’s Lose Your Locks Campaign encourages people to sponsor others to cut their hair. By taking part in Big Chop, or sponsoring others, you'll be helping researchers develop kids' cancer treatments, give kids their childhoods back or allow their confidence to be restored with a life changing wig.


The minimum donation of hair is 20cm. If your child is interested in having their hair cut by our on-site hairdresser, please fill out the survey form attached.


If you would rather keep your locks, we would love for you, your family and friends to donate to our campaign page - all funds go towards the Kids' Cancer Project. Thank you for your support!


Upcoming Events

2 AugustPre-Prep to Year 12 Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser
9 AugustYears Pre-Prep to Year 6 Grandparents' Day
All Week National Science Week 
14 August Ekka Public Holiday  
15 August Andrews Cup Athletics
Prep K Parent/Teacher Conferences
17 August OPUS 3 Concert
All Week Book Week 
23 August Pre-Prep to Year 6 Book Week Character Parade
28 August

Pre-Prep to Year 12 Father's Day Breakfast and  

P&F Association Father's Day Stall

29 AugustOPUS 4 Concert
3 SeptemberAndrews Cup Basketball
P&F Association Meeting
5 SeptemberBritton Shield Basketball 
9 SeptemberPrep to Year 1 Sports and Games Day
9 September - 12 SeptemberYear 6 Canberra Tour
12 SeptemberEnd of Term 3
13 SeptemberStaff Day/Student Free Day