Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
As part of our continuous improvement process, I wish to provide opportunities for all parents and students (Years 6 to12) to provide us with feedback relating to their views of the College across a wide range of areas.
Parents will be invited to complete questionnaires over a two-week period commencing on Friday 2 August. Years 6 to 12 students will also complete their questionnaires during this period.
The research is being conducted by MMG Education, a specialist education consultancy that works with schools in the areas of school strategic reviews and stakeholder satisfaction. MMG's client schools include many schools across Australia.
On Friday 2 August, MMG Education will email you an invitation to participate in the review and provide you with your confidential, secure access to your questionnaire.
To ensure confidentiality and to encourage frank and full expression of views:
- All responses will be de-identified.
- The data will be reported back in aggregated form only.
- All data collected by MMG Education will remain under its control and archived according to research protocols. The College will not be able to access it.
At the conclusion of the research period, MMG Education will provide me with a report. I will then provide opportunities for members of the College community to receive feedback from the research.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Executive Support Officer, Mrs Julie Parianos at
I look forward very much to the valuable contribution you will be making to this important project by completing your questionnaire.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Andrew Cousins