Morning Movement

In week 7 Stage 3 trialed Morning Movement. Each Morning they went outside and participated in different physical activities to start the day and prepare us for learning. This week the whole school has joined in with great enthusiasm and energy. Stage 3 are proving themselves to be capable leaders by helping younger students learn the skills and routines. Even the teachers are joining in.
The activities run for 5 minutes and are different each day.
Monday - Walk and Talk. We walk around the oval and chat about our weekend with people we don’t normally talk with.
Tuesday - Dance/ Aerobics. This week we started with the Nutbush and danced it to two different songs. Next week we will do the Nutbush again and learn a warm up song.
Wednesday - Circuit. There are ten different stations set up around the playground and students currently stay at one station for one minute. Next term once we have the hang of all the stations we will spend thirty seconds at each station so we do all ten in a day.
Thursday - Ball games. Students will learn a range of ball games over the term. Once we are experts I am sure it will get competitive.
Friday - Run around Australia. Students will run around a 400m course in the playground. Each time they complete a lap it will be added to a whole school total and the distance run will be marked on a map that will be displayed in the Makers Space window.