Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies will be having a Mini Fete on the 28th November during first break. As part of this everyone is invited to dress in Christmas colours. Each stage has decided on a stall to run:
Kinder: Jelly cups
Stage 1: Zuper doopers
Stage 2: Second hand books
Stage 3: Treats
Mini Vinnies: cent auction
: lucky dip
: playdough
Thank you
Bella and Olivia
Mini Vinnies Secretary's
The students are preparing the lucky dips and would appreciate donations of any small items for the lucky dips (e.g. pencils, crayons, notebooks, small toys, small bottles of bubbles, board books, small packets of chips, popcorn, lollypops etc) There is a box for donations at the office. Thank you