This week's notes

Principal's Notes:  Welcome back to Term 3 !

They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I certainly feel that way about my first week at Cavendish Primary School.

Thank you all for the very warm welcome I have had. We are very lucky to have such amazing staff here, and the children are a credit to you all. 

It is a breath of fresh air to be working with young people who take pride in their school and treat others with respect. Monday morning, I was nervous about my first day, as I am sure many others were. As soon as they arrived, the students made me feel welcome. I had some great conversations on the playground before school, and I was very impressed by the student led assembly.

It’s also the little actions that mean a lot when we are part of a small school community. Small things like holding the door open for someone, and saying thank you as you pass through, have such a positive impact on all our mindsets and wellbeing. I was really impressed to observe this from our students’ multiple times this week.

I am also proud of they way the students are inclusive of one another. It is wonderful to watch them at play, including others, altering game rules so that everyone gets a turn and feels success. 

I am looking forward to meeting more of you through the term. Cavendish Primary School is a wonderful place to be, and I am looking forward to being part of your school community.


Welcome Breakfast

Parents Club have generously organised a Welcome Breakfast to welcome me to Cavendish PS next Monday morning.  Breakfast will take place at 8am at school.    Thank you for organising this.


100 Days at School

Coming up on Wednesday 31st July we are going to celebrate 100 days at school. Miss Gray has come up with a theme for the day - come dressed in something bright to celebrate being 100 days brighter! We would also like to invite our family community members to join us from 2:15-3:15pm and take part in some activities with the children, as well as enjoying a shared afternoon tea.


Staffing Update

We congratulate Ms Lisa Ferrier on her appointment as Acting Principal of Merino for Term 3.  

The wonderful Mrs Bell and Mrs McNaughton have agreed to step in to cover the teaching of the Year 2 & 3 class for the rest of Term 3.   Mrs McNaughton will teach on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Bell will teach Wednesday to Friday.  We thank them for their ongoing support of our school. 


Gumboots/Slippers at School

Finally we are seeing a bit of much needed rainfall in the district! And none of us mind getting muddy shoes. BUT, none of us like mud being tracked into our learning spaces. If your child would like to bring a pair of slippers to school  and use them in the classroom, they are more than welcome. Wearing gumboots to school is a great idea as well. Wear them outside, and then put on your slippers to learn inside. Mrs Steele is seriously considering bringing her ugg boots to school....


New IPads

A big thank you to our wonderful Parents Club for buying the school five new IPads.  Some of our current ones are getting a bit old and running out of storage.  These will be a great addition to our kids learning.  Our IT technician will set them up next week when he is in.


Reminder - Parents to sign students in and out

If your child is late to school or leaving early could parents please remember to come to the office and sign them in and out on the IPad as per Department Policy.


Reminder - Nuts at school

Just a friendly reminder to recommend that students not bring any nut products to school as well as peanut butter.  


Photos from the week

Preparing to dodge...
Preparing to dodge...
Inside lunchtime play
Indi and Pippa playing chess
Sybil practicing her maths
Inside lunchtime play
Inside lunchtime play
Inside lunchtime play
Indi and Pippa playing chess
Sybil practicing her maths
Inside lunchtime play
Inside lunchtime play
Buddy reading time
Indi and Sybil
Ivy & Harrison
Buddy reading
Buddy reading time
Indi and Sybil
Ivy & Harrison
Buddy reading

Warmest regards,

Kate Steele
