
Strengths   I   Emotional Management   I   Attention & Awareness   I   Relationships   Coping  I  Habits & Goals

We will begin the term with a focus on reviewing the school norms in the first week. Students have a few extra curricular activities timetabled and the focus will be on how we apply our norms in the community. We will also reflect on how we apply the norms at school in the classroom, specialist classes and the playground.

We will then explore the topic Attention and Awareness. Students will learn about the brain and the parts of the brain and how it responds to emotions and triggers. Students will learn mindfulness strategies including breathwork and movement activities to manage their emotions and response.


Finally, students will cover Topic 8: Positive Gender Relationshipswithin the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum. The intended learning outcomes for students within this unit include: 

  • Identify different forms of violence
  • Examining the effects of gender-based violence on targets, witnesses and perpetrators
  • Discussing what respectful & inclusive behaviours look like 
  • Reflecting on potential response strategies when analysing conflict situations
  • Connecting to known help seeking strategies which can be used when unsafe or uncomfortable situations arise

If you wish to explore this topic further, please see the Year 3&4 Teaching and Learning program via this link