
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability

To begin the term, students will be reviewing multiplication and its link to division. They will explore arrays and will learn the short division process. They will apply their knowledge of multiplication and division facts and will be encouraged to use their multiplication skills to check their solutions to division problems. 


Student learning will then focus on fractions where they will:

  • Explore the link between division and fractions leading to our unit on fractions and decimals. Learn a fraction is part of a whole and has equal parts and will clarify what is the numerator and denominator. 
  • Refer to a fraction wall to compare the size of fractions and to introduce the idea of equivalence. 
  • Explore the concept of fractions as a whole number such as 3/3 = 1 and will practise skip counting by fractions. 
  • Further their understanding of fractions being part of a whole using number lines and will learn about mixed numbers and improper fractions. 
  • Learn about fractions of a collection such as 1/3 of 12=4 before adding and subtracting fractions. 

For the Measurement and Geometry strand, students will learn to read temperature on a thermometer and line graph.  They will classify and measure angles, explore the symmetry and properties of 2D shapes and 3D shapes and measure volume. 


We will be tying the Statistics and Probability curriculum into the number unit by representing chance experiment outcomes as fractions, decimals and percentages. Students will also explore line graphs and will learn to represent information on a probability scale with a range of 0-5.