2024 School Council
Dear Parents,
At our last school council meeting, it was an absolute delight to see how well our school did on the recent NAPLAN assessments. Our school did exceptionally well in all areas of NAPLAN in both grade three and grade five.
In grade three, our students scored higher than schools with a similar demographic to ours in all areas except writing, and better than schools in our St. Albans/Keilor Network in all areas other than Reading and Writing which were only a few percentage points away.
To put that into perspective, nearly two thirds of grade three students scored in the 'Strong' or 'Exceeding' category in each domain which is amazing. This is a great result for our grade three students and continues the great results in this age group from previous years.
Our grade five students did just as well, if not better, with their results higher than schools similar to ours in all domains, and higher than schools in our network in all domains except writing which was one percentage point away. This also is a huge achievement for grade five students and testament to their hard work.
Of course, these results would not be possible were it not for the hard work and dedication of teachers in all year levels, working in partnership with parents and families. So to everyone involved thank you for your hard work, as it is our kids who will reap the rewards for many years to come.
Vince Scarfo
School Council President