Literacy and Numeracy News



With our 2024 Children's Book Week theme Reading is Magic, we will be celebrating reading stories and their amazing power to transport minds. We are encouraging kids to be curious about the wonders of our world. It is a positive and affirming message for our young people. The magic of reading also lies in its power of enticement; a good story provokes conversations. Talking about the stories with others connects the reader with other readers. Wrapped around all of this are the "tricks" and skills of our amazing writers and illustrators, as they use all their powers of language and illustration to engage the reader in this world they are building.


Book Week this year will be celebrated- Monday, 19th August to Friday, 23rd August 2024 (week 6). 


We will be exploring the Magic of Reading in a variety of different ways. Such as reading the shortlisted books on our weekly visits to the library. 


Students are encouraged to participate in our two book week competitions. 

  1. Making a poster to celebrate the theme of “Reading is Magic” 
  2. Writing a short story where they explore the theme of the magic of reading. 

Entries will be completed at home and will need to be given to Ms Abbott by Friday 9th August (week 4) This will allow for the posters to be displayed around our school. We will be acknowledging the winners in week 6, at our book week celebration. 


We will be hosting the parade on Friday 23rd August at 9:10am.  Families are invited to attend and watch all the characters from your favourite books come to life. You are welcome to go straight to the hall after morning drop off and the school will join you after we have completed our morning routine. 

Looking forward to seeing all of your costumes at the parade.