From the Acting Assistant Principal



Over the school holidays I have slightly changed roles for the remainder of the semester.  After a comprehensive selection process, I was the successful candidate for Acting Assistant Principal here at SMPPS effective from Monday this week.  The predominant focus of my role supporting Prep – Year 2 Wellbeing and Welfare will continue and I’ll continue working closely with Trish Wan (AP 3-6).  I look forward to continuing to work closely with the staff, students, families, and community to support the great work we’ve been doing this year. 



The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) launched in July of 2013 and has been life changing for many people with a disability.  The NDIS has seen an explosion of applications since its inception to ensure there is funding of Allied Health to support people with a disability.  Allied Health are valued members of a Team Around the Learner at South Melbourne Park Primary, and we are fortunate to have our Allied Health: Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Physio Therapists, and Psychologists, working with some of our students and informing the reasonable adjustments to their Individual Education Plans (IEP). This year I have been tasked with bringing our NDIS Allied Health processes in line with departmental policy. 

From the parent/carer viewpoint this means that we are transitioning all Allied Health to the new process, which consists of a therapy request form with attached parental consent, a principal letter to advise on the acceptance or rejection of therapy, a licensing agreement, and an induction.  This formalised process has a bit of paperwork involved, however falls predominantly on the Allied Health to complete.  Many of our current Allied Health have completed or started this transition and any new Allied Health are expected to undergo this process before therapies on-site can commence.

The gains from enacting this process are a greater visibility of the therapies that take place in our school which ensures a consistent focus on a student’s IEP goals, greater involvement of Allied Health in our Team Around the Learner approach, and a consistent process across our school which keeps Kids at the Heart. 



National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week occurs over the winter school holidays annually.  Our Koorie Coordinator and Year 4 PLC leader, Rachel Azzopardi, put together a series of slides for our teachers to use based on this year’s NAIDOC theme: 

Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud!

While NAIDOC was celebrated nationally 7-14 July, this week was an opportunity for our school to dive into this year’s theme.

For NAIDOC week Mr. Beattie shared the story of Lydia Williams and her football journey as goalkeeper of the Matildas on an international stage to our Year 6 cohort. Year 6 students then chose a First Nations person and wrote a short biography about their life, achievements, and why they were inspired by their chosen person. 






We are hoping to continue the successful Family Food stall this term, however we are currently without regular volunteers.  As per last term, these will take place on assembly days which will be every fortnight on Fridays commencing Friday, 26 July.  It would involve a one-hour commitment from approximately 3-4pm on the day.  If you are interested in being added to the roster this term, please email Trish on .








Sam Smrekar Thompson

Acting Assistant Principal