Captains' Corner
Meghan Guthrie-Quinn and Tia Tyler, College Captains
Captains' Corner
Meghan Guthrie-Quinn and Tia Tyler, College Captains
Last Friday, the Year 12 cohort was lucky enough to undergo an amazing leadership retreat at the College. The day began with our Captains' session, which involved fun icebreakers, meaningful discussions, and practical brainstorming for the year ahead. After this, we then undertook a workshop by presenter Ben Russell, who explained to us the importance of being authentic leaders and working as a team. The afternoon was spent finalising formal tables and painting our house-themed boards that will be displayed in the locker rooms, which was a rewarding experience for us all.
After setting up our sleeping bags in the locker rooms for our sleepover, we headed over to the LRC for an enlightening and inspiring information evening, with speakers from the Teaching and Learning team and students from the Class of 2024. The night was filled with many useful tips for both academic success and personal wellbeing as we move into our last year of school.
We then moved downstairs to the Chapel Courtyard for a delicious pizza dinner, received our long-awaited seniors' jerseys, and watched a movie in the LRC to conclude the night.
The retreat was a valuable time for our cohort to reconnect and discuss what 2025 looks like for us as seniors but also for our Clayfield community. As such, we used the retreat as a chance to finalise our theme which we believe truly sums up our school and our hope for you all this year, which is 'Let your light come alive in 2025.'
This theme is reflective of our school motto 'let your light shine' from Matthew 5 in the Bible. You might be wondering what we mean by 'your light.' The idea is that this is different for every person. Finding your light means finding what it means to authentically be yourself and fearlessly choosing to share it with the people around you to inspire them to do the same. It means adding a spark to your passion and letting the flames burn brightly and unapologetically.
This year we want to help encourage every student to foster the flame of their own individual passions, dreams and goals. Whether this be simply helping out a friend, showing up for our community, or choosing kindness where we can. We can help our light to come alive, and in doing so, help others to show what they can do too. By being true to ourselves, we can lift each other up and let our community shine brightly from the inside out.
Let’s make 2025 our best year yet!