Community notices

Let's win Best Dressed Town AGAIN!
Once again we are super excited to participate in the 2025 Tour Down Under Best Dressed Town campaign, and our theme is Connection. the TDU will finish in our town on Thursday 23 January 2025.
We are planning on showcasing CONNECTION through meters and meters and meters of bunting decorating our townships (from Summertown to Uraidla, Carey Gulley and Basket Range to Ashton ).
Bunting symbolises connection, each thread tied together just like our community.
We welcome our whole community to participate and follow our socials (@imagineuraidla) and sign up to our monthly newsletter for updates and decorating ideas
Bunting can be made of so many things, get creative. Clothes on a line, plastic bags tied together, scraps of fabric, ribbons, ties or flags. Anything that can be tied and flutters in the wind is a winner.
We want to embrace decorating our town to welcome riders and spectators from around the world and have fun while doing it.
So get crafty and embrace connection.
Imagine Uraidla
Christmas Celebrations at Norton Summit
Singing together is so wonderful (no talent or experience required!)
We welcome you to join us in enthusiastically practicing Australian and other carols and enjoying the most beautiful sunsets...We will be singing Archie Roach's 'Let Love Rule' again and welcome all singers up and down the vocal register to come join us.
Casual Practices:
From 7.15pm to 8.30 (at St John's Norton Summit - see below for details)
Monday 2nd December
Monday 9th December
Monday 16th December
Bring a neighbour, partner, children (from 9 years of age up for practice) or a friend! Come late, leave early - enjoy what you can.
We then have two celebrations: songs, puppet show, gathering with connection. Please come even if you never made it to practice!
Christmas and Summer Community Celebrations:
Tuesday 17th December 5.30 pm. To celebrate our lovely hills community and this special time of year. All welcome.
Thursday 19th December 6.30 pm. To celebrate our lovely hills community and this special time of year. All welcome.
Where: St John's Norton Summit (please park at the Summit Community Centre or behind the church, NOT at the pub or blocking the CFS) Thanks to St John's and Rev John for graciously hosting us every year.
Who: Anyone and everyone - no special skills or required! Not just for those with young children - for everyone!
Please: bring a cash donation for charity - more info to come!
History book for sale
Have you seen the Uraidla book written by local historian Geoffrey Bishop on behalf of the East Torrens Historical Society? It tells the story of the Uraidla township, from the beginning to current day and is a fascinating read!
Books are $35 and there are copies for sale at the Front Office.