Important note from the Sick Bay

A message from EVPS Short Stay Unit (SICK BAY)
Hello to all families at EVPS! For parents and carers of students who have allergies (mild/moderate), anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, and/or epilepsy -a letter has been sent home for you to review and renew your child’s Medical Action Plan to reflect their current health status for the 2025 school year. Please read your letters and follow the information requested.
Included in the pack is a new action plan, along with their Student Health Support Plan. Please review and add comments as needed and returned signed to the school office.
Medical Action plans are to be completed and signed by a treating medical practitioner.
If you have questions regarding above, please don’t hesitate to contact the office to speak with staff in the school sick bay.
Please return all Action Plans and SHSPs to the school office by Monday 10th February 2025.
We wish all families a joyful festive season and a fun and safe summer break.
From Catherine & Iness