Bike Shed/ Bikes in School

Currently, the bike shed is unavailable due to needing to store classroom furniture for 2026 and beyond. As we work on this space, a fenced area (around the bike shed) has been elected and will be locked during the day to protect bikes. The area is unlocked in the morning, locked during the day and then re-opened when school is out – the Bike Shed is not locked overnight or on weekends. Bikes and scooters must be put INSIDE the fenced area. Unfortunately, we cannot take any legal responsibility for bikes left overnight or the weekend.
Riding in School Grounds:
Whilst we strongly encourage riding to school, no bikes or scooters are permitted to be ridden inside the school grounds during drop-off or pick-up, by students or families. This is to minimize crashes and incidents during peak times. We ask all parents and carers to remind their children to stop at the gate and walk their bikes into the school.