School Calendar

What is coming up?

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Information and updates to dates will be made through Compass.   Scroll down for finer details.   


*Please note: Visual calendar to be released early term. 


*Assembly dates to be confirmed.


Tuesday 28th January: Curriculum Day 1- no school
Wednesday 29th January:Curriculum Day 2 - no school
Thursday 30 January: 

First day of school for F-6 students

Foundation students finish at 1:15pm

Friday 31st January: Foundation students finish at 1.15pm
Wednesday 5th February:

Foundation Assessment Day 

(no school for Foundation)

WEEK 3: 
Monday 10th February:  School Photo Day
Tuesday 11th February: Safer Internet Day 
Wednesday 12th February: 

Foundation Assessment Day 

(no school for Foundation)

WEEK 4: 
Monday 17th-19th February

Meet & Greet (Parent/Teacher Interviews)

Information to come

Wednesday 19th February: 

Foundation Assessment Day 

(no school for Foundation)

WEEK 5: 
Wednesday 26th February: 

Foundation Assessment Day 

(no school for Foundation)

Wednesday 26th February: District Swimming Trials
Friday 28th February: Clean Up Australia Day
Friday 28th February: Year 5/6 Gala Sport Day 1
WEEK 6: 
Tuesday 4th MarchPancake Day
Friday 7th March: Year 5/6 Gala Sport Day 2
WEEK 7: 
Monday 10th March: Labour Day Public Holiday- No School
Tuesday 11th March: District Swimming
Wednesday 12th March:NAPLAN Begins (Year 3&5)
WEEK 8: 
Monday 21st MarchHarmony Day Event - Community Picnic 3:00-3:30
WEEK 9: 
Monday 24th March: NAPLAN Concludes
Friday 28th March:Year 3-6 House Cross Country
WEEK 10: 
Monday 31st March

Centenary Event -Back In Time Day 

and After School Family Event

Friday 4th April:Last Day of Term 1 -2:30pm finish