Medication at School

If a student requires medication, Aberfeldie encourages parents to arrange for the medication to be taken outside of school hours. However, we understand that students may need to take medication at school or school activities. To support students to do so safely, Aberfeldie will follow the procedures set out below.


Authority to administer

If a student needs to take medication while at school or at a school activity:

  • Parents/carers will need to arrange for the student’s treating medical/health practitioner to provide written advice to the school which details:

    • the name of the medication required

    • the dosage amount

    • the time the medication is to be taken

    • how the medication is to be taken

    • the dates the medication is required, or whether it is an ongoing medication

    • how the medication should be stored.

  • In most cases, parents/carers should arrange for written advice to be provided in a Medication Authority Form which a student’s treating medical/health practitioner should complete. 

  • If advice cannot be provided by a student’s medical/health practitioner, the Principal (or their nominee) may agree that written authority can be provided by, or the Medication Authority Form can be completed by a student’s parents/carers.

  • The Principal may need to consult with parents/carers to clarify written advice and consider student’s individual preferences regarding medication administration (which may also be provided for in a student’s Student Health Support Plan).

Parents/carers can contact the school office for a Medication Authority Form.


Administering medication

Any medication brought to school by a student needs to be handed into the office and clearly labelled with:

  • the student’s name

  • the dosage required

  • the time the medication needs to be administered.

Parents/carers need to ensure that the medication a student has at school is within its expiry date. If school staff become aware that the medication a student has at school has expired, they will promptly contact the student’s parents/carers who will need to arrange for medication within the expiry date to be provided.


To complete forms, please visit our office.