NEW Timetable & Hours

Changes for 2025

New 2025 Timetable:

Last year our school staff consulted on a new timetable to ensure teacher break times meet the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022. Below is the new daily timetable for 2025:

Key changes:

  • Lunch and recess now sit within the mandated teacher break time of 11:30-2:30pm, allowing all teachers to have a 30 minute break.
  • Lunch is now earlier in the day. Previously this was 1:30pm and too late for many students.
  • There is dedicated supervised time for in class eating of both lunch andrecess. This will take place in the classroom and additional time will continue to be provided for the early years as they build up routines. This ensures that all students are eating an adequate amount of food without getting too caught up in play, and that no litter is taken into the yard. 

Gate Times:

Gates open at 8:30am for students and families to enter the yard. Prior to this, Team Kids families have access to the school via the staff entrance and front single gate. Students must be supervised by a parent/carer until school supervision begins at 8:45am. At 8:51am, music plays indicating to students that it is time to enter class. From 8:51-9:00, students complete their morning routine, ready to start their literacy lesson at 9:00am. 


After school, students and families have 15 minutes to exit the school,  with school gates being locked at 3:45pm. After 3:45pm, a number of services hire our school space including the playgrounds, gym, oval and netball courts. This provides some great revenue to the school so we ask that all families have exited by 3:45pm. 


Below is an example of the early years and upper years morning routine for 8:51-9:00am.

Teacher Times/ Availability: 

Teachers contracted hours commence at 8:45am and conclude at varying times each day, between 3:45pm and 4:45pm. On Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons, all teaching staff are involved in team meetings and professional development from 3:45pm-4:45pm.